I think the Cleric/Rogue is a good pick, and it would be very fun to play. More or less (more then less) an evil character, SS?
Thamior, my last game I DMed lasted about 4 year I think... <_< and yes, DMs should not have (N)PCs, my group has a sound effect for those NPCs that get forgotten. And besides, it's not very fun to get helped/saved by the DM (I let PCs die..)
One of these days I'll have my new campaign that's well thought out (which is new for me) and I'll post it here. Don’t hold your breath, it may not come...
I'm not a very good DM :sheep:
Note: it's a pain in the ass when the PCs know the DMG just as well as they know the PHB. The players talk back to the DM, 'but in the DMG it says..' or 'but my character already knows..' (which no, he shouldn't know...) it's so much easier for the DM when people don't meta-play!