Smi, is it kind of sad that I'm Asian and I've never watched anime in my entire lifetime?
Maybe, it just means that you haven’t had your brain rotted out yet XD
The most common complaint that I’ve heard is that a lot of people that have just started watching anime want more time to watch it, and that it’s hard to make sure that they do their work before wasting time watching anime.
So it’s a mixed blessing, so to speak. On one hand you haven’t been able to watch some very entertaining shows, but on the other hand you haven’t had the tremendous distraction that of which is called anime. :cool:
Lanair, an optional quiz is just that; a quiz that you don't have to do
My instructor has it such that he'll give the best 7 quiz scores out of 8. If you do the optional quiz then that's just one more chance to get a better score and bump off the next lowest
Meaning, you can bomb a quiz and not have it kill your grade (you just have to be really good for the rest of the quizzes)
Which is totally cool!!!
/me points out again that the total quiz grade is 75% of the total grade
the other 25% is the final...
If you've missed the next grade by a little, he'll bump you up (ex: B+ to A) if he thinks you're a good student (attend class, good labs, good questions). The human factor; Otherwise, it's all by the numbers.