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Author Topic: Another Day  (Read 45810 times)
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« on: September 05, 2003, 12:43:23 AM »

[Please play as furre, unless you want to be called 'Hyooman.' Tongue]

He stood before the wooden door, blue key inserted in the lock, just sitting there. The hall about was quiet, and the need to keep it locked seemed non-existant, yet he was paranoid. Paranoid they would come for him in his sleep.
With a sigh, black gloved hand and white fingertips grasped the key, and pulled it out. He dropped it in a small pouch quickly, and pat it firmly, reassuring its existance.
The young man, if he could be called that, turned, and gazed down the hall. Akanar's room... that... other guys room... mine... On and on, registering each one in morning routine. Of course, he was the last one up, and mainly on purpose. It was too bothersome to try and eat with the lot of them.
A small grin slid across his maw, and gold eyes closed. "No need to be so nervous." He reassured himself, "Its just home..."
With that, the lazily clothed creature strode towards the stairs. Red hair, crumpled clothes, and messy tail made him quiet a vision of loveliness, in that sarcastic way.

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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2003, 01:55:42 AM »

Slowly, I opened my eye's.
well, i thought to myself, it's morning, looks like i got away again. i gave a big yawn as i slowly stretched and then slowly worked my way towards the end of the tree limb i had slept on. with a sudden spring of energy, i lept down onto the grass, and immediatly slipped on the wet dew and fell. quickly, i got up and ran back towards the base of the tree.
"well, at least i finally lost those hunters." i said quietly to myself. "now then, time to see if i cant find me some breakfeast".  keeping to the shadows, i slowly worked my way out of the small park and into the town.

*yeah, i cant rp worth shit, go ahead and say it*

HaHa. This post cost SS .5 cents! So Sayeth the Evilknight.
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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2003, 02:16:08 AM »

[o its ok I suck too LOL  And i'm uncreative so i'm going to play off of you LOL]

* Fire watches as the male that was sleeping below her slips on some morning dew.  she silently laughs at him not wanting him to realise her presense.  she has been following him for 3 days now, having nothing better to do, she enjoys watching him make a fool of himself.  She sees that he is walking off into the shadows and afriad of losing her entertainment source, she leaves her post and and fallows him.  making sure to keep out of site.*
« Last Edit: September 05, 2003, 02:16:44 AM by Firefairy_8 » Logged
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« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2003, 02:17:11 AM »

He continued stalking about the halls of Zanon, looking around at various things, ranging from the personal blacksmith, to the thrones. He halted for a moment, listening to the silence. Not a single explosion from downstairs, no arguements from the halls. No smithy's hammer on steel, no rough knights pushing each other and laughing.
He shruged it off. Maybe they were all out drinking or something. Primes knew they were religious beings, and since it was that time again, they were probably worshiping the Prime M'Rill. If he was thinking right, he had actually seen her in full glory. But, then again, she was a greedy one.
Now, as far as he knew, Primes walked about. He'd seen Jujinka once, the tiny prime of spring. She covered him in.. 'love sparkles' as people called it... Then she made him basicly sit in a patch of flowers.
He tromped down the stairs, and then quickly flopped down onto 'his' chair, kicking his fuzzy legs out. With a yawn, he laid there, waiting for a passerby.

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« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2003, 02:27:06 AM »

As I slowly made my way through the shadows, I suddenly smelt something in the wind. It was those same guyz who were after me last night. "Crap" i thought. They were definetly getting closer, i could hear them talking now. "yeah, im pretty sure we lost him somewhere around here" i heard one of them say. "damn it, i gotta find a place to hide, or else im dead". as i slowly made my way down the back part of the town, i spotted a building. "hm, looks fairly simple, i guess ill hide in there till things cool down". suddenly, i saw a group of people coming out of the building. "fish" i said under my breath. looking around quickly, i saw a back alley right next to the house. without a second thought, i dove into the alley....and landed smack into some metal garbage cans. "damnit" i thought, "cant i do anything without falling or making a total idiot of myself?"  "Hey, what was that?" i could here one of the people from the group say. " I dunno, let's check it out." i looked over to my side, and saw a door. " dear God, please be open" i thought as i ran to the door and tried it. it opened, and i fell into a pitch black room. "oh great, now where am i?

HaHa. This post cost SS .5 cents! So Sayeth the Evilknight.
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« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2003, 04:38:44 AM »

* I fallowed my source of entertainment for a while, until he suddenly stopped.  Thinking he had smelt me i crawl into a nearby shrubbery.  I back up far enough to avoid being seen, but I'm still able to keep an eye on him.  I finally smell what he smells. " Damn, its those stupid hunters from yesterday.  well i'll just stay here until they move on."  Realizing i may be stuck in this shrubbery I start to look around.  I Don't see anything but darkness in every direction except the way I entered. *

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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2003, 10:43:27 PM »

"Feh." He mumbled audibly, voice only answered by empty hall's echo, mock version of his voice. Red haired canine sat, golden eyes flickering up and down the hall. Surely by now someone would have come by? Some other of the castle's residents? But nay. Not a single one.
A chill ran through his spine. It only got like this whenever there was trouble nearby. A necromancer, a demon, or even a vampire. But for no reason? Never.

Little did he know about the exitement going on elsewhere.

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« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2003, 06:04:38 PM »

"Ah crap, what am i supposed to do now?" i slowly got up and felt for a lightswitch. instead, i found a doorknob. slowly, i turned the knob and opened the door. "hmmm, now what's this place?" i said to myself as i slowly made my way down the hall. "well, at least ive lost those guys, i think". i turned a corner and froze. there was someone in the next room! "crap, why can't i ever escape easy like in the movies?" i thought. whoever it was, they were sitting down in a chair and had their back to me. "well," i thought to myself, "ive got to options. i can either take this guy out and try and get outta here myself, or i can trust this guy and pray that he doesnt turn me in".
     well, i've never had to kill anyone before, and im not gonna start now.  so, putting on my best help-me-im-lost look, i slowly started towards him.

HaHa. This post cost SS .5 cents! So Sayeth the Evilknight.
Hmmm. The court will take a 15 minute recess to fix the judicial...bench...thingy. ~Ethan
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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2003, 11:46:03 PM »

He heard the sound of footsteps, and an ear cocked in the approaching one's direction. "Mitsura?" he asked. Swiftly, head turned as well, body rising, then turning fully, "Oh... sorry. Thought you were someone else."
The fellow was dressed casually. Loose black and grey shirt was cut in a V, white, fluffy chest fur sticking out through it. Pants were a shade of dirty white, loose and the like. Shoes weren't shoes at all. They were tough, dyed red cloth, tied around black and white feet with red ribbon. Belt was wrapped around his waist twice, a thin and gangly fellow.[http://us.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Saffire-Raynius/GiftArt-Trades-Requests/bashe2.jpg]

"Uh..." He murmured, "I've never seen you around, and I know almost everyone to walk around here..." A slightly nervous voice. He was still sort of jumpy over what he had been told weeks earlier, about someone who was intending to kill all of the Firewolf clan. He hopped to god the one standing in front of him wasn't that person.
Because if it was...

He would have to scream and run franticly.

Too hot to handle, too cold to hold.

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« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2003, 12:02:09 AM »

o gosh now I have to stratch my brain into thinking of something.  hmm best wait because all that is on my mind isn't allowed in this topic  Wink  
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« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2003, 01:35:14 AM »

"umm, hiya. sry, um."  *God* i thought to myself. *ok, ive got the hunters on my tail, a group of people outside, and this dude* "might as well get this over with and pray something doesnt happen"
"ok, look. i know u dont know me and i dont know u, so ill make this short. ill spare u the details, but im being chased by a few guyz who ummm, u could say dont exactly like me.....alive. please, i just need a place to hang low for a while. i dont have a lot of money, but i swear ill find a way to pay u back."
suddenly, my ears perked up, someone had justed come in! i slowly looked at the guy with desperate eyes.

HaHa. This post cost SS .5 cents! So Sayeth the Evilknight.
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« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2003, 03:12:22 AM »

Bashe nodded. "Alright..." He looked over the feline with a warm gold glance. Nothing alarming about him, so, he wasn't bothered. "Anyway, I don't think anything drastic will happen here... though, its been known to happen. This is Zanon, the white kingdom." The wolven creature yawned slightly, and sat back down. "Take note if you have anything dark in your veins. You'll get tired."
He scratched behind his right ear, "Now... what's chasing you? A necromancer? Demon? Vampire? If its a Vampire, its too be expected, since an army is rumored to be coming here..."

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« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2003, 03:18:18 AM »

No no, not a vampire. these people are chasing me. they....they think i killed someone....and they're out to kill me. i dont know who the heck they are or who they're talking about. but they've been chasing me for almost 2 months now. ive lived as an outcast from society, running from town to town, living off scraps, or hiding out with those who believed me.  people like u.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2003, 03:18:42 AM by evilknight » Logged

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« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2003, 03:21:33 AM »

"Oh, thats reeeeeeeeeeeeal encouraging!" He joked. "But anyway, you should be safe in Zanon, if those blasted knights and mages and what not get here. Oy..."
He rubbed his paw on his pants, and extended it in a pawshake. "I'm Bashe. Bashe Firewolf. And you are?"

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« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2003, 03:28:49 AM »

*slowly shakes his paw* . "Call me siron. Just Siron. now then, what's this places story? seeing as how i might be hiding here, i might as well find out where im at." Zanon, it seems to ring a bell somehow, but im not sure.

HaHa. This post cost SS .5 cents! So Sayeth the Evilknight.
Hmmm. The court will take a 15 minute recess to fix the judicial...bench...thingy. ~Ethan
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