Ok, once again we have a thread especially for our IRC channel. You can find us on chatchannel (server) and our channel is #TGA . if you don't have an IRC client already, you can get one at
www.mirc.com or
personally, i prefer mIRC for this...trillian just doesn't work out good for IRC :hmmm:
some useful IRC commands (also some chatchannel only commands)
/NS REGISTER (password) (email) this registers your nickname so only you can use it.
/NS IDENTIFY (password) this "logs on to" your nickname when you first connect to chatchannel
/NS GHOST (nickname) (password) if a registered nickname of yours is already in use, you can use this to "kill" (temporarily disconnect) the user so you can use your nickname. this is useful if you have to switch computers, or maybe you disconnect but your nickname doesn't disconnect (this does happen sometime)
/JOIN (#channel) joins the selected channel
/LEAVE (#channel) you quit from the channel (also /PART (#channel) )
/MSG (user) sends a PM (private message) to a user
/NICK (new name) changes your nickname (identify with your regular nick first)
if i missed any good ones, tell me and i'll add them