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The Great Alliance / The Great City / TGA Members: Introduce Yourselves
on: April 22, 2004, 04:43:02 PM
Everyone is beating you at mindteam. John- how can you be in 3 alliances? Do you have enough time? ........2 alliances........I am no more TGA.........but again it is very time-consuming.........since I am HC in InfInItE and the Phoenix forums are huge.......I spend a lot of time online, but again it is guys, I see you are still an anti-orc alliance? Race alliances have almost disappeared nowadays. Only u and N.O.O I guess, huh? Mindteam? Yes I made a team there and we beat everyone, but isn't this game down for 6 months? Well thx for the welcome guys and I am happy u remember me....... I might try to hang around the forums here a bit.........
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Repair
on: October 21, 2003, 08:22:16 PM
In this case, u can use another trick. Instead of battle axes/flaming arrows/excaliburs, purchase cheaper weapons (160 or 640 ones), which, although it costs more gold to have the same results u had with the 2560 weapons, are cheap enoguh to be able to buy as many as needed to repair them. So no repair cost for small armies this way. I think this balances the loss from not buying 2560 weapons....And always remember, if u have to repair more than 1pt, purchase weapons 1 by 1. Yes! 300 posts reached! I am now a Veteran !!![/b]
BPSITE / Games and Gaming / Chess
on: October 21, 2003, 08:18:03 PM
Anyone here plays chess? Apart from MythoS, my commander and friend in real life, who I met in a chess tournament. I play chess many years now, not just as a hobby, I have taken it seriously, going all around Greece, or even abroad to participate in chess tournaments.......... Anyone else who also plays chess for something more than just fun?
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Repair
on: October 21, 2003, 01:33:28 PM
1) Affected by the opponent's DA. 2)I think there is a random factor included as well.
3)bofor, u know that when u buy a weapon of a specific category, the rest of this category are repaird by 1pt. I rarely have to pay for repairs.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Farm?
on: October 20, 2003, 06:19:03 PM
yes, the way the game is designed, u must first become unsabbable and then start bulidng your SA and DA...........
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Stupid Idiotic Hackers!!!
on: October 20, 2003, 06:17:00 PM
One guy on noo public board that got hacked said his password was "his full initials" Sounds like he used a 2 or 3 letter password? :huh: Well, there is a restriction that the password u choose must be at least 4 characters long. And I think the hackers have other ways of finding your pass, than using a program that tries countless passwords.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / this is nice
on: October 20, 2003, 06:11:35 PM
LordStriker is almost as strong as orc00. orc00 will make his officers and allies (relentless are so big, few fake accounts will be needed) max 5x1 (or 5xmore if htey have lots of AT) LordStriker and vice versa. in the meantime the rest alliances will atack both and also try to get advantage of this situation.