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1  The Great Alliance / The Great City / AgeII -- PoLL on: September 13, 2003, 05:58:09 PM
Im feeling discouraged and having a hard time getting going this age. Sabbing has not hurt me yet, Im still a nobody, of course I always have been. But all the errors are driving me batty!
2  The Great Alliance / The Great City / What's your rank? on: September 12, 2003, 03:08:21 PM
Gee ranked 48,684!   Weeee! Im just workign on SA for now. Dont really know what Im doing yet.
3  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / f*** geeks on: June 01, 2003, 02:06:38 AM
Hey I just DLd Mozilla and trying to learn my way around.  But cant seem to really find many keyboard shortcuts. Im sure theres got to be many of you guys that use it. So far other then the keyboard shortcuts Im loving the feel of it. Any advice as to where to find the tools I want and need?
4  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / If...? on: May 29, 2003, 09:00:14 PM
Theres always your traditional Trolls, Boars, and Wights. Always liked the wights..they are very mystical and stealthy and downright ugly, Kobs just plain stupid and easy to kill. (typicaly) But why not make up creatures? Instead of going to the old already used? Sounds like plenty of imagination here..I know I can think of several. But am still not grasping the direction your wanting to go. Ive done some game design both creature, room and battle/magic use. Althought mine has all been text based gaming. Hmm maybe Im just spamming this good thread..dont mean to be. Just interested in what yer doin.  
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