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The Great Alliance / The Great City / share your methods ( if you want )...
on: September 26, 2003, 09:53:56 PM
Buy any sort of weapon and don't use it. When you have enough weapons to sell off and get your upgrade, do so. Nice time to be starting it, or to be selling with the new 75% selling off thing. It's going to save some people quite a bit of time.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Concerning training...
on: September 26, 2003, 09:52:58 PM
Well, personally I see no reason to destroy Orc. I think more people are mad at Lord Striker right now... Personally I just like to keep to myself, and just attack those who attack me.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Concerning training...
on: September 26, 2003, 09:17:57 PM
Defense mercs and offense mercs are being used by the top people as fodder to keep their attack/defense army small and replaceable. I heard that Orc00 has about 10000 mercs.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / What's your rank?
on: September 26, 2003, 03:30:25 AM
With just 1 spy? No. 1 non elven or elven level 10 spy can only take out 1 dragonskin per go. I have 130k+ CA. If the limit is 135, they can't sneak in more than 1.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / What's your rank?
on: September 26, 2003, 12:01:12 AM
Mm, Lanair, if the sab limit is 135k, and my CA is as of now 130560, even if they are elves they could sneak in 1 spy. 1 elven spy can take out 1 dragon skin. With 16 CA turns a day for 1 person, they could only take out a max of 16 skins. And then I guess I would see 16 skins go poof and increase my CA. But that hasn't happened yet, and I've attracted quite a few of the top 100ish people.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / What's your rank?
on: September 25, 2003, 09:41:03 PM
0_o Even if they could break past 130k ca, they could only sab a max of 16 of my 2560 things. It just seems like
104k * 0.25 = 26k 26k+104k = 130k
Technically, I think that anything a bit higher than 130k is safe. Of course, I've been hearing mad rumors of them raising the immunity cap, but nothing confirmed.
The Great Alliance / The Great City / Concerning training...
on: September 25, 2003, 09:38:01 PM
In my opinion, training is a must if you have good equipment.
I believe the formula for your DA/SA is something (Unconfirmed) like [1+(0.25*S)]*[5(For trained troops)*(Total attack/defense of weapons, so 2 chainmails with 2 defense trained is 5*80)]
or if you have untrained troops, I think it is 4* the total attack/defense of your weapons
This is assuming you have enough defense trained for all your weps, or whatever.
All this + number of trained defense/attack troops with no weapons * 5 + number of untrained troops * 4
This got me to within 2000 points of my DA, which is... very high ^_^ so not bad.
S = number of siege upgrades
Edit: If someone wants to try that out on their DA, they could post on whether it's accurate or not... should be fairly accurate.