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1  The Great Alliance / The Great City / TGA's IRC channel on: April 05, 2004, 03:31:26 AM
www.java.com  LOL  
2  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 25, 2004, 02:42:30 AM
So are pcs (well, at least in the present, they didn't used to be...) and you can actually get stuff for them.  Smiley  
3  The Great Alliance / The Great City / TGA's IRC channel on: March 21, 2004, 01:50:16 AM
Is it XP, or windows at least?  On my XP you go to the control panel, click "appearance and themes", click "taskbar and start menu", click the "start menu" tab on the window that comes up, click, click "customize", click the "advanced" tab on the window that comes up, and there should be a box that say "Highlight newly installed programs, uncheck it, hit ok and you're done!  WIll need to be done for each user though...
4  The Great Alliance / The Great City / cm on: March 19, 2004, 08:09:51 PM
or just go to java.com where you can download it for free.  LOL

Java works on all platforms too, yes, even macs...
5  The Great Alliance / The Great City / cm on: March 18, 2004, 06:34:32 AM
On the TGA website there is a link on the left menu that says chat.  CLick it.  Then you'll enter a name Like, oh, say, Lord Lanair) Click ok.  It'll connect you to a java applet.  From there you can join #koctga, #tgalinks, and wherever else you'd like.  Aka, you don't need irc to access irc. Tongue

(hint: to join #KOCTGA, for example, type "/join #KOCTGA" in the bar at the bottom of the applet.  It's the only one you can type in. Tongue)
6  The Great Alliance / The Great City / cm on: March 18, 2004, 01:00:11 AM
Use the java applet.
7  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 16, 2004, 05:34:37 AM
Chai, it's a heavy milk tea originating in India, though that's a little redundant as the word chai means tea!  Tongue   Very good, especially Green Tea chai, specifically Oregon Green Tea chai, though I also like Pacific's vanilla chai.

As far as a screenshot goes, do you see a print screen button on your keyboard, should be around the upper right side.  Press it, and it copies the screen.  Then you just have to paste it in word or graphics program of your choice.
8  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 15, 2004, 11:28:32 PM
pft, I just use sugar highs instead.

Chai is good though.  Lotsa sugar in that...
9  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Welcome New Recruits on: March 15, 2004, 03:30:32 AM
if you don't have irc you can use the java applet on our website.
10  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 15, 2004, 03:28:58 AM
Ever think of emailing those members and telling them to join TGA? Wink

Sorry, coffee makes me nautious.
11  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Which Age owned? on: March 15, 2004, 03:26:44 AM
Exactly, I can't find any farms either. :hmmm:  
12  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 14, 2004, 07:09:55 PM
I suppose I'd be doing better if I wasn't at school 12 hours a day plus having homework plus actually sleeping.  Oh well.  Sometimes I even have a semblance of a life.  :unsure:  
13  The Great Alliance / The Great City / cm on: March 14, 2004, 05:19:56 PM
mm, but with KoC help on clickmaster it copies and pastes for you.  All you have to do is click the little numbers.
14  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 14, 2004, 05:17:11 PM
I hate you Biteme.

Still stuck around 3,000...
15  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 12, 2004, 04:06:00 PM
I'm in Calculus 3.  Tongue

Stuck around 3,000.
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