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91  The Great Alliance / The Great City / a war is what you want huh? on: January 13, 2004, 03:53:37 AM
Wow, if this was an ego-war you could take out the whole of KoC in an instant. The only thing bigger than your ego seems to be the number of full-stop's you've got in that post.

Yes, when do we say that? I don't see anyone here saying you don't have backing.
How about you stop yapping and just get on with this war. If you're as wonderful as you say you are then I'm sure it will all be over quickly.

As for starting the war... here... (I posted a few extras... figured you guys may want to contact them and beg them to help you... as you may need it)

2 hours ago tantanoid_TGA 11,351 Gold stolen 1 14 15 29,560,320 135,895,582 details
2 hours ago d1skreet 1,578 Gold stolen 1 23 25 115,346,268 135,253,132 details
2 hours ago d1skreet 25,136 Gold stolen 1 48 46 115,297,839 137,430,363 details
2 hours ago d1skreet 24,492 Gold stolen 1 43 42 116,108,742 137,701,672 details
2 hours ago d1skreet 20,670 Gold stolen 1 74 72 116,129,514 137,522,490 details
2 hours ago d1skreet 15,610 Gold stolen 1 55 52 115,330,215 138,669,858 details
7 hours ago smi256 2,101 Gold stolen 1 10 14 34,689,435 137,525,613 details
7 hours ago smi256 1,460 Gold stolen 1 9 13 34,719,427 137,040,352 details
7 hours ago smi256 3,707 Gold stolen 1 12 15 34,156,155 137,494,826 details
1 day ago YippySkippy 839 Gold stolen 1 0 0 2,210,640 136,186,162 details
1 day ago YippySkippy 1,113 Gold stolen 1 0 0 2,196,000 136,849,046 details
1 day ago YippySkippy 1,177 Gold stolen 1 0 0 2,176,713 137,812,158 details
1 day ago YippySkippy 916 Gold stolen 1 1 1 2,332,530 137,506,402 details
1 day ago YippySkippy 1,585 Gold stolen 1 0 0 2,310,525 137,301,573 details
3 days ago ONNIPOTENTE 3,193 Gold stolen 1 11 3 12,696,232 131,576,167 details
3 days ago ONNIPOTENTE 3,570 Gold stolen 1 22 6 13,008,971 131,984,013 details
3 days ago ONNIPOTENTE 4,191 Gold stolen 1 22 6 13,344,438 133,291,001 details
3 days ago Kaginava 1,254 Gold stolen 1 0 0 291 135,047,310 details
3 days ago muietempetzapu 2,984 Gold stolen 1 3 2 10,321,473 135,052,672 details
3 days ago Killa420 2,237 Gold stolen 1 4 1 3,552,403 135,419,561 details
3 days ago Killa420 2,522 Gold stolen 1 1 0 3,569,898 135,240,855 details
3 days ago Killa420 3,169 Gold stolen 1 1 0 3,716,845 135,071,283 details
3 days ago Brando2003007 1,840 Gold stolen 1 3 0 2,108,487 134,869,020 details
3 days ago Brando2003007 2,953 Gold stolen 1 1 0 2,119,164 137,787,978 details
3 days ago Brando2003007 1,850 Gold stolen 1 3 0 2,135,028 135,786,318 details
3 days ago fudidu 5,537 Gold stolen 1 17 3 13,296,868 135,166,890 details
3 days ago fudidu 284 Gold stolen 1 34 7 13,711,266 134,471,550 details
3 days ago fudidu 290 Gold stolen 1 37 7 13,337,904 134,420,100 details
3 days ago muietempetzapu 3,360 Gold stolen 1 7 5 10,445,709 135,995,265 details
3 days ago muietempetzapu 3,729 Gold stolen 1 7 5 10,738,935 135,912,753 details
Hmm... I do think there was some doubt about our allies actually helping us... here... try this... move your mouse to the far right... see that bar? Hold your mouse down on it and scroll up now... you just might find some posts that hinted towards a lack of true allies.... maybe something about how NOO won't help either.

As for my ego... well, I looked it up and the dictionary pointed me to the word 'conceit'. One of the definitions was pride. So, if I take pride in telling the truth in what I have done... yeah, I have an ego I guess don't I?

92  The Great Alliance / The Great City / a war is what you want huh? on: January 13, 2004, 03:43:25 AM
yeah it does say that. We all know you created the OSA Evil, but you don't have to make a point of it and say how great you were because you thought of it. The link doesn't help because we already know you were a leader and know you look foolish to us because you gave us a bad link
You have to register to see it... I would have assumed you could have figured that out... should I write a post about how to register on proboards?
93  The Great Alliance / The Great City / a war is what you want huh? on: January 13, 2004, 03:07:18 AM
You have the same interests as NOO? Really? You ally with an Army of orcs then attack another Alliance of orcs with many members who are also in NOO? Well, let me tell you about interests....

I started the OSA... yes ME! Do you know how many members I had in two weeks? (Me neither.... a bunch). This was BEFORE NOO declared war against Relentless.... I was a member of Elite and NOO.... I helped bridge the gap between Elite and NOO... yes ME! I WILL claim that... cause I DID! (not taking all the credit... but, I did have a large part in that). I was the one who got stuff together enough to pull alliances together to work to take down LordStriker... I was the one who launched the very first attack the OSA did... and was responsible for ichybon's return attack going from 119mil to uner 200K. Don't forget what we did to Boogie_bear and Dr_Kirth. (You can see it here http://bubbateeth.proboards24.com/index.cg...gi?board=loggy). The Coming Storm did not exist until I started OSA and people saw how powerful bringing alliances together could be.

I am STILL a member of NOO... and I am one of the leaders of Orc Army... we have a chain for Age 3 with over 30 members currently in it... and we will be under NOO's leader, Errtu.... It was an Orc Army member who got multiple logins to The Coming Storm sight through various sources... and I am the one who gave some of those logins to Elite and NOO leaders (amongst others).

So, you think we don't have NOO to help us? Let's see... cause I can just as easily find a powerful commander for Age 3 and put Orc Army underneath him/her if NOO is not willing to help... (but my guess is, your alliance is not worth Errtu loosing having Orc Army under him).

Orc Army has bargaining power.... all those alliance leaders I gave a password to The Coming Storm... I think they will join in... if not, I simply post on The Coming Storm with the account... give them a 'Hello from EvilTracy'... and the account will be deleted... i'll just use one of the other accounts for my purposes... and those alliance leaders will loose their access... now, i'm sure I won't even have to do this.... I have members from all over that like me... why? Cause I have helped many people in the past... and asked for nothing in Return.  I helped out one of LordStikers members... (yes, the 'enemy') and found a guy who was selling off his whole account... I let the member from Striker Clan in on it... and allowed him to take over 10 mil to get sab immune and then some... hah, I even have a handful of Striker Clan members who will help me. Let's not forget the Pratoreans.... yes, many of them don't care for me... however, I have also helped some of them and forwarned them of mass attacks and even given them links to posts that helped save their arse. Dogs Of War... again, I have forwarned their leader on a number of occassions, and I speak with her on a somewhat regular basis.... oh, and let's not forget the Relentless allies who KNOW WHICH ACCOUNT I use... who do not rat me out and have even helped me with attacks... and Shylore... didn't she used to be a member here? Yes, she told me you guys kicked her out... ha, she even had some of her alliance help us out with a pest... and i have helped her out in return....

So, when you say we don't have backing... you don't know what your talking about... we may not have some of those entire alliances behind us... but, I have handfulls of people from everywhere that will help out... and that will make it tough for you to target anybody. So, when  you do your body counts and gold stolen counts, don't forget to include all the non orcs that will be attacking you also.
94  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Big Attack on a Striker member today on: November 26, 2003, 06:32:57 PM
Hello from me... Leader of the Overthrow Striker Alliance (OSA). Our goal is to take down LordStriker from the #1 position and keep him down as best we can. However, some of our members have voiced that not only he, but his top members should be taken down also. Because of this, it makes planning mass strikes a bit easier. We will announce the date/times of the strikes... but not the name until the last moment.... this will prevent the 'target' from setting up his armoury and soldiers to prevent damage.

The only details I can give at this time... we have over 150 people participating... but still looking for more (it's hard to get exact counts of participants.. the more the better). The 'target' will be LordStriker OR somebody on his first page of officers.

Date/Time of our first attack will be:

26 Nov 2003

8PM Easter Time
7PM Central Time
6PM Mountain Time
5PM Pacific Time

(Note: This is 1:00 AM November 27 GMT)

we are asking that everybody hit the 'target' with 5 attacks... 1 turn each, at the announce time.

Below is a link to the site where we are coordinating this... I will post on the board open for all eyes... even non members... so, you don't have to register if you don't wan't to.. and moments before the mass attack... the name/link will be posted.

If you would like to join the  board and post your attacks... please feel welcome

95  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Assault on the New Orc Order! on: October 15, 2003, 01:49:25 AM
I can say this... I don't know what happened to the war? It's not fun when we sab em and send taunting messages (yes, this is a tactic we discovered on their alliance page)... yet, we still don't get return fire? I publicly criticize them on our boards... they don't comment anymore (they used to leave little messages like 'you all suck')... I do 'occassionaly' get an attack by thug_ironskull.... actually, I think that's because he is the only alliance member able to get through... but, that shouldn't be too hard... his counter attack is about 2,000 from selling on his defense.

I don't know what's going on? Maybe the DoW is trying to get new members? Letting their attack turns build up? I do notice that many of their members are banking knives... so, my only guess is right now they are too weak to put a dent in us and they are 'getting ready' for this next big war.

As final proof of how weak they are... and how little they are now fighting... all I can say is, check out our forums....

Notice how the badmouthing is subtle? We spam your boards, they do not... this is subtle form of kissing up.... that is all... it's not that they are polite and we are 'big bad NOO'... otherwise our boards would not have posts like "You all suck and will die"... (not that there are a lot... but there are some).

And finally... I would like to comment on the star wars comment... you know... the small rebel forces.. and how the empire was scared but did not show their fear... that was a movie... Now lets look at the Romans in history (real life)... they kicked booty... they were cocky... and they could back up with they said.

All I can say again... visit our boards if you REALLY care.. and judge for yourself... it's highly unlikely that we have begun posting on our board a bunch of phoney posts just for a cover of how badly we're getting beaten down.
96  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Assault on the New Orc Order! on: October 13, 2003, 04:40:17 AM
Actually, Aikon is mistaken... we have had people quit since the war started... yeah, one guy who's attack was less than 4,000... he got 160K taken... so I sabbed his attackers skins and mithril... but he still couldn't get through.. .he got frustrated and started over... yeah, but it wasn't a DoW member who attacked him.

Dark_Elf_Wench... hehe.. here is the damage he did...

3 days ago Dark_Elf_Wench Attack defended 1 11 1 307,998  (yep... that's him who lost 11 to my 1)

All were used
None were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 2,560 to 2,560   <---no dice there
Heavy Shield
All were used
None were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 640 to 640    <---no dice there
All were used
None were found to be sabotaged
Weapon strength went from 40 to 39 <---I think I bought one more and it repaired itself.

Oh, let's not forget their leader... I had to attack him to test him out...
1 day ago Thug_Ironskull 93,186 Gold stolen 15 18 2 1,764,650 18,273,048
.... yep, Aikon... looks like they are selling all their defense in hopes to pluck a scale from my dragonskins..

Oh, and BTW... If you read their website... they like orcs... but will accept other players if they are war mongering peeps... yeah, so they are a lot of orcs too... most ones who couldn't handle the wait for NOO.

Oh... one last thing... if you check our boards.. the general forum... you see a post from cedric ironwood (DoW member)... here's a clip...

"You know you guys cant even see honor for what it is can yall. I asked to join NOO about a weak b4 i asked to join DOW. With DOW i was acepted the very next day, with NOO well as you can see i never got acepted. I dont think that we are more powerful then NOO is so its rather odvious that i didnt join them just for strong friends. And half the time i dont even get clicked by everyone in my click group and at first i was clicken it 2x a day. So i didnt join them for the clicks eather. The one reason tho that i did join them for is that they acepted me as a member when they didnt know me. "

As you can see... DoW is a bunch that's looking for love... they feel lonley.
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