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106  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / www.sleepywood.net owns all of you! on: December 25, 2006, 07:40:29 PM

It is a bit.  The hyperlinks are "hidden" in the exclamation marks.
107  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 22, 2006, 02:10:51 AM

I picked those colors because I just used PrintScreen and looked at the color info...

You can't always trust that method; Windows sometimes plays around with the colours, especially if you're using a laptop, or ClearType.  Use something like PhotoShop to take a few 5*5 average samples.

And it's colours, you blaspheming oik.  Tongue  
108  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Any good free anime sites? on: December 21, 2006, 09:38:46 PM

The best policy might be to use the quote button (or just click edit in your case) on each suspect spam post, to see what they're up to.
109  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 21, 2006, 09:35:58 PM

Probably his eyes - after all, it is supposed to make you go blind, and his most unsavoury choice of "reading material" can't help the process.
110  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Funny Videos on: December 21, 2006, 09:24:11 PM

A few more for the collection:

A scanner, playing. (Random reference.  Porkolt's a pain sometimes; just keep refreshing the page until it plays when clicked.)

I saw this one when it was first broadcast, years ago. Smiley

Use the farce.

Another Bud Light advert

One final link - not funny per se, but still good.
111  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Any good free anime sites? on: December 21, 2006, 12:08:09 PM

Not all of them use hyphens - this one doesn't, for example.  :huh:   Also, the topic description is always filled in on spam posts.

I really need to sort that CAPTCHA out... I'm nearly over yet another cold, so I'm running out of excuses not to finish it. (I seem to be prone to colds, which is infuriating as I have a permanently swollen nose anyway, along with asthma.  So I've been waking up the past few days sounding not unlike Darth Vader.)
112  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Any good free anime sites? on: December 21, 2006, 02:14:08 AM

I vote spam; they all use the smile topic icon.
113  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 20, 2006, 04:07:05 AM

Same here.  Why'd you choose those colours?
114  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 19, 2006, 09:31:08 PM

Sadly not; try working with computer graphics for an extended period of time and you'll soon be cursing the lot of them.  (Monitors, that is.)
115  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Gay on: December 19, 2006, 09:47:26 AM
in the case where one child was while and the other white, I'm going to guess that both parents were (sand till are) black.  however, they both are carriers of the recessive "white" gene.

I'm one of those fortunate people who can have a perfectly drunk conversation while being biologically entirely sober.
I'm with Louise on this one    :paranoid:

As evidenced above.  Tongue
116  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 19, 2006, 07:41:37 AM

Feh.  If the 'it' refers to a noun, then I can see no earthly reason why the 'it' in question shouldn't be given a apostrophe too.  Unless perhaps it's to differentiate the contraction of "it is" from the possessive "its".  Who made those rules up, and why wasn't there a governing body to make sure they made sense?  Sad

I thought you meant a test conducted via the internet.  Although your plan still isn't quite perfect, as the monitor would get burn in if left long enough.
117  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 18, 2006, 07:00:27 AM
...the monitor, it's settings and Mole's eyesight...

*points at the misplaced apostrophe and worries a bit*

I thought you'd know better.  Sad

I did ponder that whilst posting.  The 'it' in that case is referring to the monitor, which is a noun, and as that noun is possessive, it should have an apostrophe.  If grammar says otherwise, it should make its mind up.
118  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 18, 2006, 06:27:05 AM

It's possible that if the posts do alternate between EEEEEE and EDEDED (rather than EFEFEF) that that would be the case... depends on the monitor, it's settings and Mole's eyesight.

*plays about with monitor settings*




Nope, no can see.
119  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 18, 2006, 12:57:25 AM

.post1 { background-color: #EFEFEF }
.post2 { background-color: #EEEEEE }

<!--Begin Msg Number 103045--> ... <td width='100%' valign='top' class='post2'> ... [My first post] ... </td><!-- end Message --><!--Begin Msg Number 103046--> ... <td valign='top' class='post1'> ... [My second post] ... <!-- end Message -->

Looks like they should be EEEEEE and EFEFEF respectively, although there are overlapping styles involved, and I'm in no mood to suss out the CSS hierarchy.  And I don't even have any software on this computer that can give me the HTML code for a colour, so I can't just screenshot it.

And testing peoples colour perception wouldn't work; you'd end up testing their monitors, and how well set up they are.  I'm on an elderly CRT at the moment, which hopefully explains why I can't see any of the tests.
120  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / tOGETHER ARCHITECT start on: December 17, 2006, 01:40:25 PM



[Edit: *whacks Mole with a colour chart*]
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