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BPSITE => BPSITE Headquarters => Topic started by: Guest:SS on January 20, 2006, 01:16:55 PM

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: Guest:SS on January 20, 2006, 01:16:55 PM
In a world which has radically changed over the past few years, typewriters and the inherent, stunning accuracy of highly skilled and well exercised typists is being replaced by a computer and an operator who can easily correct anything they write by the use of the backspace key. In response to this, a group of dedicated error-haters has proposed the introduction of a regular event, in the hope that people will learn to type more accurately (and possibly just for laughs). Currently, Friday, January 20th 2006 is the first No Backspace Friday occurance, but with your support, we can make it happen more often.

The rules are as follows:
1) One cannot use the backspace key, Delete key, or any other facility which would allow correction of typos or any other errors (such as amusing Freudian slips, things you really didn't mean to say but you already typed them and now you might regret it, etc)
2) If you are the kind of person who automatically corrects mistakes without even realising it, then you are strongly encouraged to avoid typing or any sort of contact with computers during No Backspace Friday - trust me, the stress levels you would experience this day would be very high.
3) If your job involves writing code, you are still strongly encouraged to obey the rules on No Backspace Friday - at worst you would have an unproductive day, at best you might mistakenly write the best code ever. However, writing code and passwords are generaly (and unfortunately) exempt from the rules.
4) If you are using the Backspace key (or Delete key, or any other otherwise correction-relevant keys) as binded keys in a game or any other application, you may still do so during No Backspace Friday - for example, you might have one of them binded to "use medikit".

We are hoping to repeat No Backspace Friday as often as possible, leading to a more productive workforce, keyboards having a longer life, and amusing spelling mistakes. Please show your support!

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: mole on January 21, 2006, 11:36:30 PM
for me that would be the most rediculus (though possibly funny) and completely incohoerant thing possible, my typing is absolutely terrible

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: Lord Lanair on January 22, 2006, 06:39:26 AM
Hmm... I could do it maybe; usually I dont bother to correct my own typing (except for punctuation... hehe).  :unsure:  

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: Arkanor on January 22, 2006, 09:31:36 AM
This is neither possible nor feasible for me.  I made at least 6 errors typing this post alone.  *defends backspace key*

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: matt_the_shark on January 22, 2006, 10:13:07 PM
I'd be okay, I guess.  I'll make errors occasionally, but nothing big.  

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: smi256 on January 26, 2006, 12:32:14 AM
/me screwed
I have access to Backspace and Delete and I still manage to screw it up.
note: one mistake in this post fixed  

Title: No Backspace Friday
Post by: underruler on January 29, 2006, 06:59:17 PM
What a newbie.  Okay just kidding.  I used the backspace key a lot.  I'm actually concentrating very hard ringht now.   oooo.  one mistake. :(