BPsite Forums

BPSITE => BPSITE Headquarters => Topic started by: evilknight on May 10, 2004, 12:56:28 PM

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on May 10, 2004, 12:56:28 PM
Ok, it's time we had another memories section, but this one should be more like an uber one. Like, super far back, maybe even as far back as the old forum. Back when fil-ran-away was popular, along with This is My House, and back when kicking people out of the chatroom was like our national pastime. ahhh, good times.
ive gotta run off to school now, but ill hopefully put down some more when i get back. until then, have fun!  :)  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: RipperRoo on May 10, 2004, 04:42:31 PM
Hah, remember when your Mum pissed you off and you were going to run away to Fils house....

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: mole on May 10, 2004, 05:07:57 PM
popular, along with This is My House

whoa! somones remembering a different age, that never happened in this life time.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Drowzycow on May 10, 2004, 07:09:32 PM
Well, i don't know if i should post this here, i was feeling bored, and found this message log. Back in the days when age2 just ended, everyone was waiting around feeling bored. so when NS33 decided to go for dinner......

* Now talking in #kocinfinite
-L- [#kocinfinite] 5Welcome to InfInItE!! Forever Infinite!! --- 7Visit InfInItE at >> http://www.infinite-forum.tk (http://www.infinite-forum.tk) << --- 3Channel stats found at >> http://s90852854.onlinehome.us/ircstats/ko...ocinfinite.html (http://s90852854.onlinehome.us/ircstats/kocinfinite.html) << ---
* NS33 sets mode: +v DigitalDrunkenM
* fishbot moos loudly at DigitalDrunkenM
<NS33> o_O
<DigitalDrunkenM> lol
<Ld`Tricky|afk> lo again
* Ld`Tricky|afk is now known as Ld`Tricky
<DigitalDrunkenM> lo
<Ld`Tricky> still no age 3?
* wedvf1 has joined #kocinfinite
* Errtu sets mode: +v wedvf1
<DigitalDrunkenM> nope
<DigitalDrunkenM> t'is a stupid long ass wait
<wedvf1> yeah
<wedvf1> the admins. said sometime today... but it's already 1GMT
* Remco- is away: afk
<DigitalDrunkenM> mah silly admins
<wedvf1> they shall all feel my wrath
<Ld`Tricky> lol NS33
<wedvf1> !slap KOC ADMINS
<NS33> !slap wedvf1
* Remco- gets a Steel Bat and smashes KOC ADMINS with it.
* NS33 sprays a can of mace into wedvf1 's face first!
* NS33 sidesteps wedvf1 's pathetic attempts and kicks wedvf1 in the groin!
* Remco- throws an irate skunk into wedvf1's lap
<Ld`Tricky> your reply to trigunfreak is direct to the point
<wedvf1> ??
<Ld`Tricky> inside information :/
<wedvf1> oh
<wedvf1> k
<Ld`Tricky> a cousin of don who hacked my account wanted to join and claimed that don was innocent
<wedvf1> so that was trigunfreak?
<wedvf1> ok
<wedvf1> i think i attacked him before he wanted to join InfInItE
<wedvf1> but it must have been a month or two ago...
* NS33 got new scripts ^^
<wedvf1> sweet
<wedvf1> u gonna test them out on me?
<NS33> say a line in all caps
<NS33> more than 10 chars
<NS33> shit
<NS33> lol
<wedvf1> well, i guess it's not working
<NS33> try again
* NS33 sets mode: -oooo m4ss^Ice|off Errtu arbitr|weekend arbitrary|away
<wedvf1> ok
<NS33> maybe the % of ops had something to do with it
<NS33> ... i'll look at it when i get back from dinner :P
<wedvf1> k
<wedvf1> i'll be online until about 10
* arbitrary|away has left #kocinfinite
* arbitrary|away has joined #kocinfinite
* L sets mode: +o arbitrary|away
* NS33 sets mode: +v arbitrary|away
* arbitrary|away sets mode: +o arbitr|weekend
* arbitrary|away has quit IRC (Quit)
<wedvf1> NS33, what is the script supposed to do?
<wedvf1> k
<DigitalDrunkenM> kikc you obviously
<wedvf1> hmm... maybe
-NS33- I have been away for 17hrs 32mins 10secs: sleep == 1337 (one-time response to highlight)
<wedvf1> lol
* wedvf1 kicks DDM
* DigitalDrunkenM goes ow
* wedvf1 actually missed when he tried to kick DDM
* DigitalDrunkenM actually went ow after walking into a door
* wedvf1 saw after closer inspection, that ns33 actually closeline DDM and pushed him into the door. all of this in one second
* Lyban has joined #kocinfinite
* NS33 sets mode: +v Lyban
* DigitalDrunkenM was clearly attacked by NS33 and thus was sued for several million pounds
* wedvf1 saw the incident and testifies in court
* wedvf1 ns33's mask is taken off and reveals....
<wedvf1> LS
<DigitalDrunkenM> a huge drooling monkey
<wedvf1> which is suffering from down syndrome
<DigitalDrunkenM> arthritis
<wedvf1> and SARS
<DigitalDrunkenM> Torrets
<DigitalDrunkenM> *tourettes
<DigitalDrunkenM> syndrome
<wedvf1> :o
<DigitalDrunkenM> necrophilia
<wedvf1> hes also a hypochondriac
<wedvf1> with some signs of parental abuse as a child
<DigitalDrunkenM> has a history of beastialty
<wedvf1> ....
<DigitalDrunkenM> i think i spelt that wronf
<DigitalDrunkenM> *wrong
<DigitalDrunkenM> ah well
<wedvf1> and is currently midway through anger management courses
<DigitalDrunkenM> has jumped bail twice
<DigitalDrunkenM> escaped from prison once
* Lyban has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.59 [Mozilla rv:1.5/20031007])
<wedvf1> and still can't drive
<DigitalDrunkenM> has electric shock treatment for his schizophrenia (sp)
<wedvf1> and is known for getting massive hangover after a night at the bar
<DigitalDrunkenM> after 1 shot of milk
<wedvf1> lol
<wedvf1> after drinking water, it was often noted that he MOO'ed.
<DigitalDrunkenM> he also likes stroking bots
<DigitalDrunkenM> in particular the fish variety
<DigitalDrunkenM> thus the beastialty history
<wedvf1> one elusive specimen is found here, the fishbot.
<DigitalDrunkenM> which believes itself to be a cow
<DigitalDrunkenM> thus the fishbot moos at people
<wedvf1> and that fish go moo
<fishbot> wedvf1: only when they are impersonating fish.
<wedvf1> fish actually go gub
<wedvf1> but who cares?
<DigitalDrunkenM> or fish go blubb
<wedvf1> but not moo
<DigitalDrunkenM> as is the sound of air bubbles protruding from their mouths
<wedvf1> and they are not colored like a cow
<wedvf1> thus, we can conclude that fish cannot go moo
<DigitalDrunkenM> i second that hypothesis
<wedvf1> thus, fishbot has been proven wrong
<wedvf1> ...again
<DigitalDrunkenM> :D
<DigitalDrunkenM> well done Dr.wedvf1
<NS33> back
<DigitalDrunkenM> you'll get the nobel prize
<DigitalDrunkenM> he missed all the fun
<wedvf1> yeah
<wedvf1> and you, my assistant shall get half of the award money
<DigitalDrunkenM> yay!
<wedvf1> in US dollars, if you want...
<DigitalDrunkenM> ...current exchange rates state that the USdollar is weaker than the GBpound
<DigitalDrunkenM> therefore you are ripping me off
<wedvf1> ahh... i forgot about that
<wedvf1> then the pound will work
<DigitalDrunkenM> how convenient
<wedvf1> it's gonna take ns33 awhile to look at what we were saying...
<NS33> lol
<NS33> o_O
<DigitalDrunkenM> lol
<NS33> >_<
<wedvf1> and even longer to comprehend it all
* NS33 sets mode: -vv wedvf1 DigitalDrunkenM
<DigitalDrunkenM> indeed
#kocinfinite Cannot send to channel
<NS33> :D

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Rug on May 10, 2004, 08:18:15 PM
I'll dig up the oldest IRC log I have.

Session Start (blueyonder4.uk.quakenet.org:#KOCTGA): Sat Jul 12 16:17:12 2003
*** Now talking in #KOCTGA.
*** Topic of #KOCTGA: ::[ The Great Alliance ]:: (Link: http://topsites.listsitepro.com/games/cgi-...lick=1055461451 (http://topsites.listsitepro.com/games/cgi-bin/lsgold.cgi?id=jimmy&click=1055461451)http://topsites.listsitepro.com/games/cgi-bin/lsgold.cgi?id=jimmy&click=1055461451)
*** Set by diskreet 1103 minutes ago
*** Users on #KOCTGA: TGA|Auron @Everous @diskreet +Biter_ @Remco- @L
*** End of /NAMES list.
-L- [#KOCTGA] Welcome to the IRC channel for The Great Alliance!
*** Mode change "+o TGA|Auron" for channel #KOCTGA by L
*** Mode for channel #KOCTGA is "+tn"
*** Channel #KOCTGA was created at Sun Apr 13 06:14:21 2003
*** Join to #KOCTGA completed in 1 seconds.
<Everous> now...whats the thing called?
<Biter_> ok, then you haven't downloaded the tab browser extension
<Biter_> tabbrowser extension is what you need to auto reload
<Biter_> yo auron
<TGA|Auron> g'day
<Everous> ok...auron, i'm using Firebird now...cos Opera was trying to kill me :
<Biter_> hehe
<TGA|Auron> LOL
<TGA|Auron> I told you
<TGA|Auron> Opera sucks


And because its the funniest IRC moment ever:

* BobPalindrome woke up about 12 hours ago, went to a Chinese wedding, got stinking drunk (and picked up about three packs of free cigarettes), proceeded to drunk dial this Chinese girl I like (who wasn't home), passed out from 12:00-5:00, got a call from the girl, who met me at 5:30 and gave me a pair of fish as a gift.
* BobPalindrome is naming the fish Yuan and Dun.
<Mikey> ....
<Mikey> WAit
<Mikey> You got drunk and called a chick
<Mikey> And she gave you fish instead of a blowjob?
<Mikey> Is there something about this culture I do not understand?

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: matt_the_shark on May 11, 2004, 01:46:24 AM
this is definately my favorite IRC moment :D

* matt_the_shark shoots rpg at nwduneauron
* NWDuneAuron dodges, and returns fire with a Pulse rifle
* Arkanor meanwhile is on a cliff with a sniper rifle
* Arkanor takes aim, shoots matt
<NWDuneAuron> woo
* arolisci is behind Arkanor and throws over the cliff
* Arkanor screams most of the way down
* Arkanor grabs protruding rock, stops fall
* arolisci curses
* NWDuneAuron shoots at Ark's hand. poor bastard.
* Arkanor says ouch
* matt_the_shark does matrix style dodge for both and shoots AK at everyone.
* Arkanor falls... down... a long way
* matt_the_shark throws grenade down after ark
* Arkanor falls faster than grenade
* Arkanor lands... painfully
<NWDuneAuron> *splat* *bang*
<Arkanor> yah
* matt_the_shark makes grenade fall faster than Ark
* arolisci cackles evily
* Arkanor shakes fist impotently at arolisci, matt
* matt_the_shark also cackles evily
* Arkanor runs to armory, acquires M-1 Abrams tank
<matt_the_shark> you acnt shake your fist, it blew up.
* Arkanor comes back
* arolisci starts to run and pushes matt down so he gets hit first
* Arkanor has one hand, prosthesis on the other
* matt_the_shark hops in tank, shoots Ark, and aquires tank
* Arkanor leaves behind satchel in tank, detonates
<Arkanor> boom
* matt_the_shark disarms satchel
* NWDuneAuron hops in his BattleMech... treads on Ark
* Arkanor has more holes than sponge
<matt_the_shark> nice
* matt_the_shark takes sniper and snipes arolisci
* Arkanor retreats.. undergoes surgery... much surgery
* matt_the_shark walks into OR, and burns Arks brain whilst others are not looking
* NWDuneAuron starst blasting up the landscape with a pair of Particle Projection Cannons....
* Arkanor laughs at matt, since he killed wrong dude. Arkanor shoots matt in back with 44 magnum
* arolisci recovers from the hit and runs away from Aurons cannons
* matt_the_shark walks up behind auron and shoots him in head
* Arkanor runs away from matt, chases after arolisci
* NWDuneAuron laughs as bullet pings off this bitches slabs of armour...
* arolisci runs faster and leaves banana peels after him
* Arkanor lobs grenade toward arolisci, trips on banana peel
* matt_the_shark grabs 44 magnum foolichly dropped by Ark, and shoots Ark in back
<matt_the_shark> *foolishly*
*** Signoff: Remco- (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* NWDuneAuron slips on banana peel and falls over... shat
*** Remco- (~remco@league.admin.game.net) has joined channel #KOCTGA
*** Mode change "+o Remco-" for channel #KOCTGA by L
* matt_the_shark also slips over on banana peel, dammit
* Arkanor has been shot enough, this time has kevlar body armor on
* Arkanor turns around, frags matt
* arolisci is resting behind a wall
* matt_the_shark swipes armor and puts it on himself
* NWDuneAuron grabs the Minigun... I'd like to see Kevlar stop this... fires at Ark
* matt_the_shark blows up wall
* Arkanor doesn't have kevlar... unoh
* Arkanor runs faster than 850 feet per second
* NWDuneAuron discards Minigun... grabs Railgun...
<matt_the_shark> but slips on bannana peel
* NWDuneAuron rails Ark... eat 2450 f/s bitch
* matt_the_shark swipes railgun and uses it on auron
* Arkanor wonders how Auron can carry so many heavy weapons
* NWDuneAuron admires the smoking hole in his chest
* Arkanor grabs discarded particle projection cannons, vaporizes Auron
<matt_the_shark> head
* NWDuneAuron turns into pool of ooze, T-1000 style
* Arkanor looks for steel factory
* matt_the_shark shoots Ark in process
* Arkanor bends at knees, matrix style, dodges bulle
<Arkanor> t
* Arkanor hits deck, blasting with CAR-15
* matt_the_shark watches Arks pathetic dodge, as Ark moves head directly into path of bulllet
<Arkanor> arkanor's head decorates wall
<Arkanor> nope, danit
* Arkanor 's head decorates wall
<arolisci> LOL
* matt_the_shark admires wall painting
* Arkanor has big headache
<matt_the_shark> LOL
* matt_the_shark looks for auron
<matt_the_shark> Where is he?
* Arkanor twitches posthumously, pulls pins on two grenades that roll toward matt and blow off his legs
* matt_the_shark lands in wheelchair
* arolisci realizes he is literally the last one standing
* Arkanor expects to be run over by wheelchair
* NWDuneAuron reforms from ooze
<matt_the_shark> and is
* Arkanor points at Auron
* NWDuneAuron walks up ehind Arol and breaks neck
* arolisci twitches on the floor
* matt_the_shark blasts auron with photon launcher
* NWDuneAuron dodges... a bit... *whomph*
* NWDuneAuron reofmrs from ooze... again...
* matt_the_shark points at auron: does he ever give up?
* Arkanor says... no
<NWDuneAuron> *groan*
* matt_the_shark blasts auron for a second time
<matt_the_shark> and watches ooze reform
* Arkanor comes back as T-X
* NWDuneAuron turns into pool of ooze... and voluntarily oozes into blast furnace
<Arkanor> masculine form
* arolisci snaps neck back into place
* Arkanor grabs matt, tosses him through wall
* Arkanor seals up hold on wall, traps matt without air
* matt_the_shark wheels in with wheelchair, blasts all with photon launcher, and cackles evily
* Arkanor wonders how matt can wheel and shoot at same time
<matt_the_shark> electric wheels
<Arkanor> ah

notice how i ended up winning :D

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: SS on May 11, 2004, 07:34:04 AM
Yeah, strange that. <_<


Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on May 11, 2004, 01:08:52 PM
all this reminds me of me and fil's "Longest Post Ever"
perhaps we should try that again?

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 11, 2004, 10:51:23 PM
yes, do it

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Uber Peasant on May 12, 2004, 02:09:23 AM
how long was this post?

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: matt_the_shark on May 12, 2004, 02:14:02 AM
it was so long that it took two posts actually LOL

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on May 12, 2004, 02:17:00 AM
fil's was two posts, it was his "favorite" number.
mine was a two hour conversation between just me and fil

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Uber Peasant on May 12, 2004, 02:19:04 AM
favorite number? /me is thick

and thats kinda cool - 2 hours long, surpirsed u didnt get banished or sumthin

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 12, 2004, 02:27:58 AM
I think they did

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 12, 2004, 02:33:05 AM
What about the infamous spamming hour with Mastachief?  LOL  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on May 12, 2004, 02:36:32 AM
god dangit, i hate this thread :P . with the era you're talkin about, i'm a newbie  :(  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 12, 2004, 02:40:59 AM
I wasn't around then either.  Though I think it had something to do with Evil, Fil, and Masta each getting like 200 posts in 1 hour.  LOL  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Uber Peasant on May 12, 2004, 02:41:26 AM
so why is masta gone but not the other 2?

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 12, 2004, 02:42:40 AM
He was banned for a week (?) and never came back.  Ask evil or fil for details.  :)  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Perdition on May 12, 2004, 04:01:36 AM
no he came back a little while ago and said hi.  but he didnt stick around.  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Uber Peasant on May 12, 2004, 11:49:49 AM
what other memories are there? im too young to know any, but i tihnk there is that ongoing flapjack thing...

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on May 12, 2004, 12:23:14 PM
well, i guess there was back when koc was actually fun to play, and we were at war with different clans and stuff.
now those were good times.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: GandalfTheOld on May 12, 2004, 01:03:40 PM
eh, back when i was still new to TGA, i got a spam warning from Auron XD

now that was the good ol' times :D

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Filran on May 12, 2004, 01:41:26 PM
Okay, it was about 200 or most posts in one hour. We were hyper posting in about 5 threads. Me and Evil got a 24 hour post ban I believe, and Mastacheif got a week because he was new. But me and Evil, we're regulars, and technically we weren't disobeying rules. We were staying on topic. It was just a diffrent topic that evolved through our posts. Anyway. We were older, we knew better, we clearly went ahead and spammed our hearts out, and we all got the banboot. Ah, that was fun. Cheese Statues and other things ran ranpart that night.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: GandalfTheOld on May 12, 2004, 03:29:29 PM
speaking of old...(aside from cynical jokes that could be made out of my forum name...)

took ya 3-4 days to close that thread(nationstates), when it's clearly/going-to-go-back-to dead whether you close it or not...? :P

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Filran on May 12, 2004, 03:37:49 PM
I've been sick Gandalf. Sick. But, I didn't want anyone to revive it again. It died in febuary, and it should have stayed dead. I just shoved the lumbering corpse back in its grave.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 12, 2004, 11:18:35 PM
i closed it a while ago, but i just had to ask that question. of couse with my idiocy, i forgot to reclose it

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 13, 2004, 03:22:10 AM
I've been sick Gandalf. Sick. But, I didn't want anyone to revive it again. It died in febuary, and it should have stayed dead. I just shoved the lumbering corpse back in its grave.

That would take up even more space!  LOL  LOL  LOL  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on May 13, 2004, 04:06:29 AM
heh. i was in TGA...then i discovered BPSITE Headquarters. i've never gone back....

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Filran on May 13, 2004, 07:15:09 PM

That would take up even more space!  LOL  LOL  LOL

Because the other one was old. It wasn't about space Lanair.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 13, 2004, 11:02:15 PM
well no one plays it anymore so there isn't any point in making a new one

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Filran on May 14, 2004, 01:24:53 AM
But you NEVER know.

3400 posts, I believe. Aha.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 14, 2004, 04:11:23 AM
Erm... I still play it.  And I enjoy it, too.  LOL  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Filran on May 14, 2004, 06:07:53 PM
See? Lanair can make the new thread, and he can call it: The almighty toes of Lanair have stolen your pathetic country... and your shoes.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Rug on May 14, 2004, 07:42:08 PM
speaking of old...(aside from cynical jokes that could be made out of my forum name...)

The best jokes came from your avatars, my young Bishounenai Affairs Minister.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 14, 2004, 09:10:43 PM
then there were the unfunny ones, like the asshat one on me

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Perdition on May 14, 2004, 09:13:27 PM
Your reaction was better than the actual title.  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 14, 2004, 09:24:38 PM
yeah i was pissed

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Perdition on May 14, 2004, 09:47:41 PM
ah wasnt true or anything.  I miss the dumbpidity :(

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on May 14, 2004, 09:51:18 PM
i remember that avatar

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on May 14, 2004, 11:39:52 PM
I liked the asshat on you.  LOL

But dumbpidity was the best.  ^_^

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Rug on May 15, 2004, 09:12:43 AM
ah wasnt true or anything.  I miss the dumbpidity :(
I'll see if I can find the url for that, later, and you can have it back...

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Perdition on May 15, 2004, 09:27:17 AM
YAY!  if fit me so well :P

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: wedvf1(nickness) on October 17, 2005, 10:20:53 PM
Well, i don't know if i should post this here, i was feeling bored, and found this message log. Back in the days when age2 just ended, everyone was waiting around feeling bored. so when NS33 decided to go for dinner......

* Now talking in #kocinfinite
-L- [#kocinfinite] 5Welcome to InfInItE!! Forever Infinite!! --- 7Visit InfInItE at >> http://www.infinite-forum.tk (http://www.infinite-forum.tk) << --- 3Channel stats found at >> http://s90852854.onlinehome.us/ircstats/ko...ocinfinite.html (http://s90852854.onlinehome.us/ircstats/kocinfinite.html) << ---
* NS33 sets mode: +v DigitalDrunkenM
* fishbot moos loudly at DigitalDrunkenM
<NS33> o_O
<DigitalDrunkenM> LOL
<Ld`Tricky|afk> lo again
* Ld`Tricky|afk is now known as Ld`Tricky
<DigitalDrunkenM> lo
<Ld`Tricky> still no age 3?
* wedvf1 has joined #kocinfinite
* Errtu sets mode: +v wedvf1
<DigitalDrunkenM> nope
<DigitalDrunkenM> t'is a stupid long ass wait
<wedvf1> yeah
<wedvf1> the admins. said sometime today... but it's already 1GMT
* Remco- is away: afk
<DigitalDrunkenM> mah silly admins
<wedvf1> they shall all feel my wrath
<Ld`Tricky> LOL NS33
<wedvf1> !slap KOC ADMINS
<NS33> !slap wedvf1
* Remco- gets a Steel Bat and smashes KOC ADMINS with it.
* NS33 sprays a can of mace into wedvf1 's face first!
* NS33 sidesteps wedvf1 's pathetic attempts and kicks wedvf1 in the groin!
* Remco- throws an irate skunk into wedvf1's lap
<Ld`Tricky> your reply to trigunfreak is direct to the point
<wedvf1> ??
<Ld`Tricky> inside information :/
<wedvf1> oh
<wedvf1> k
<Ld`Tricky> a cousin of don who hacked my account wanted to join and claimed that don was innocent
<wedvf1> so that was trigunfreak?
<wedvf1> ok
<wedvf1> i think i attacked him before he wanted to join InfInItE
<wedvf1> but it must have been a month or two ago...
* NS33 got new scripts ^^
<wedvf1> sweet
<wedvf1> u gonna test them out on me?
<NS33> say a line in all caps
<NS33> more than 10 chars
<NS33> shit
<NS33> LOL
<wedvf1> well, i guess it's not working
<NS33> try again
* NS33 sets mode: -oooo m4ss^Ice|off Errtu arbitr|weekend arbitrary|away
<wedvf1> ok
<NS33> maybe the % of ops had something to do with it
<NS33> ... i'll look at it when i get back from dinner :P
<wedvf1> k
<wedvf1> i'll be online until about 10
* arbitrary|away has left #kocinfinite
* arbitrary|away has joined #kocinfinite
* L sets mode: +o arbitrary|away
* NS33 sets mode: +v arbitrary|away
* arbitrary|away sets mode: +o arbitr|weekend
* arbitrary|away has quit IRC (Quit)
<wedvf1> NS33, what is the script supposed to do?
<wedvf1> k
<DigitalDrunkenM> kikc you obviously
<wedvf1> hmm... maybe
-NS33- I have been away for 17hrs 32mins 10secs: sleep == 1337 (one-time response to highlight)
<wedvf1> LOL
* wedvf1 kicks DDM
* DigitalDrunkenM goes ow
* wedvf1 actually missed when he tried to kick DDM
* DigitalDrunkenM actually went ow after walking into a door
* wedvf1 saw after closer inspection, that ns33 actually closeline DDM and pushed him into the door. all of this in one second
* Lyban has joined #kocinfinite
* NS33 sets mode: +v Lyban
* DigitalDrunkenM was clearly attacked by NS33 and thus was sued for several million pounds
* wedvf1 saw the incident and testifies in court
* wedvf1 ns33's mask is taken off and reveals....
<wedvf1> LS
<DigitalDrunkenM> a huge drooling monkey
<wedvf1> which is suffering from down syndrome
<DigitalDrunkenM> arthritis
<wedvf1> and SARS
<DigitalDrunkenM> Torrets
<DigitalDrunkenM> *tourettes
<DigitalDrunkenM> syndrome
<wedvf1> :o
<DigitalDrunkenM> necrophilia
<wedvf1> hes also a hypochondriac
<wedvf1> with some signs of parental abuse as a child
<DigitalDrunkenM> has a history of beastialty
<wedvf1> ....
<DigitalDrunkenM> i think i spelt that wronf
<DigitalDrunkenM> *wrong
<DigitalDrunkenM> ah well
<wedvf1> and is currently midway through anger management courses
<DigitalDrunkenM> has jumped bail twice
<DigitalDrunkenM> escaped from prison once
* Lyban has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.59 [Mozilla rv:1.5/20031007])
<wedvf1> and still can't drive
<DigitalDrunkenM> has electric shock treatment for his schizophrenia (sp)
<wedvf1> and is known for getting massive hangover after a night at the bar
<DigitalDrunkenM> after 1 shot of milk
<wedvf1> LOL
<wedvf1> after drinking water, it was often noted that he MOO'ed.
<DigitalDrunkenM> he also likes stroking bots
<DigitalDrunkenM> in particular the fish variety
<DigitalDrunkenM> thus the beastialty history
<wedvf1> one elusive specimen is found here, the fishbot.
<DigitalDrunkenM> which believes itself to be a cow
<DigitalDrunkenM> thus the fishbot moos at people
<wedvf1> and that fish go moo
<fishbot> wedvf1: only when they are impersonating fish.
<wedvf1> fish actually go gub
<wedvf1> but who cares?
<DigitalDrunkenM> or fish go blubb
<wedvf1> but not moo
<DigitalDrunkenM> as is the sound of air bubbles protruding from their mouths
<wedvf1> and they are not colored like a cow
<wedvf1> thus, we can conclude that fish cannot go moo
<DigitalDrunkenM> i second that hypothesis
<wedvf1> thus, fishbot has been proven wrong
<wedvf1> ...again
<DigitalDrunkenM> :D
<DigitalDrunkenM> well done Dr.wedvf1
<NS33> back
<DigitalDrunkenM> you'll get the nobel prize
<DigitalDrunkenM> he missed all the fun
<wedvf1> yeah
<wedvf1> and you, my assistant shall get half of the award money
<DigitalDrunkenM> yay!
<wedvf1> in US dollars, if you want...
<DigitalDrunkenM> ...current exchange rates state that the USdollar is weaker than the GBpound
<DigitalDrunkenM> therefore you are ripping me off
<wedvf1> ahh... i forgot about that
<wedvf1> then the pound will work
<DigitalDrunkenM> how convenient
<wedvf1> it's gonna take ns33 awhile to look at what we were saying...
<NS33> LOL
<NS33> o_O
<DigitalDrunkenM> LOL
<NS33> >_<
<wedvf1> and even longer to comprehend it all
* NS33 sets mode: -vv wedvf1 DigitalDrunkenM
<DigitalDrunkenM> indeed
#kocinfinite Cannot send to channel
<NS33> :D
Yeah I remember that, good times they were. I wish I stayed in KoC but school is so intense this year. Good luck in Age 5 for whomever is still playing it. I might play again someday, you never know.

- Nick

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: mole on October 17, 2005, 10:26:01 PM
:o  15th of may 2004?!?!!? no wonder your posting as a guest

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Godfather on October 17, 2005, 11:07:18 PM
Old topics never die.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on October 17, 2005, 11:20:33 PM
nor do old friends, it would seem...

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: mole on October 17, 2005, 11:25:28 PM

popular, along with This is My House

whoa! somones remembering a different age, that never happened in this life time.
heheh, seems im one of the few people that makes me laugh...figures  <_<

that song was so stupid it hurt

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on October 17, 2005, 11:46:24 PM
awww i thought evil came back posting and it was on fire...dang

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Arkanor on October 18, 2005, 12:15:34 AM
Me too... gah.  Of all the topics to bump, the guest WOULD choose one of the most nostalgic.  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Godfather on October 18, 2005, 02:08:27 AM

   1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
   2. The condition of being homesick; homesickness.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on October 18, 2005, 02:23:40 AM
good job! completely in correct use.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Saladin on October 18, 2005, 02:37:30 AM
thank you william safire

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Rug on October 18, 2005, 09:48:03 AM
Ironically I still have the asshat avatar.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on October 18, 2005, 12:31:20 PM
60 shaman.
pwns joo.
maybe if i could drag myself away from WoW and school for more than 3 seconds i'd post more.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on October 18, 2005, 12:53:36 PM
60 shaman.
pwns joo.
maybe if i could drag myself away from WoW and school for more than 3 seconds i'd post more.
horde :boo:  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: RipperRoo on October 18, 2005, 06:03:00 PM
31 Rogue, 16 Priest, 18 Warlock, 21 Shaman, and I desperatly want to make a Hunter, someone stop me making new chars. :(

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on October 18, 2005, 08:43:08 PM
nerf hunters.
fuck paladins.
nerf shadow priests.
fix my freaking fire totems and the stormstrike bug, and I'll call us even.

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: evilknight on October 18, 2005, 08:43:48 PM
oh, and just to be an ass about it, we're kicking ass in MC recently.

ask Fire, she knows.

cleared all the way up to domo.
next stop, ragnaros!

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Godfather on October 18, 2005, 09:26:20 PM
Horde kicks the crap out of alliance I must say...

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on October 18, 2005, 09:39:03 PM
54 rogue, 11 priest. but i am shutting down my account for awhile, i never use it...

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on October 19, 2005, 05:23:24 AM

Actually, I switched to a human mage, that hasn't left IF in over 3 months... tailoring and auction whoring is more fun than fighting.  :D  

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: RipperRoo on October 19, 2005, 01:31:33 PM
Where do you get the money from to AH whore if you never leave IF? :/

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Galmort on October 19, 2005, 08:56:12 PM
probably his main

Title: Ok, uber memory time.
Post by: Lord Lanair on October 22, 2005, 05:47:09 AM
Nah, I buy stuff and resell it to make a profit... I also make tuxedos and mooncloth, which sell for a lot.   :)