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BPSITE => BPSITE Headquarters => Topic started by: mole on June 29, 2004, 10:10:24 PM

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on June 29, 2004, 10:10:24 PM
why o, why o, why o, why o, why o, why o, why o, why o are they handing him over to a recently installed no secruity wisened iraqi government? am i the only one that sees the bad guy too much talk ending to this? hmmm?

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: opperdude on June 29, 2004, 10:15:01 PM
meh he stays in a US prison... they not fysically gave him to them

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on June 29, 2004, 11:06:21 PM
nice to be told i wasnt given that bit  <_< works the same for me

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on June 30, 2004, 07:21:14 AM
Huh?  I seem to have missed the news.  What happened?  :unsure:  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 01, 2004, 06:05:05 PM
AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHA. so theyre giving him his trial today ive juts been informed and given him the right to free speach because its a fair trial. oh thats great, you know the lord Saddam is gonna kick out the mytre-ness and stir up the iraqi people.

bring on the uprising!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Arkanor on July 01, 2004, 06:23:04 PM
You know, I half expect something like that to happen.  I say we should just toast his arse in the electric chair and move on.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 01, 2004, 06:32:53 PM

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Arkanor on July 01, 2004, 07:07:05 PM
A number of reasons.  

First, Saddam siezed power in Iraq, ordering the executions of many of his opponents.  That's several hundred (or maybe thousand) counts of murder right there.  

Second, to maintain and retain that power his regime indulged in torture, terror tactics, violations of human rights, etc.  Crimes against humanity, for which he is being tried by the Iraqis right now.

Third, Saddam is responsible for thousands of deaths in ethnic cleansing operations against the Kurds, the marsh-people, etc.  More crimes against humanity.

Fourth, Saddam amassed and used biological weapons of mass destruction, if not against our troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom then in the Iran/Iraq conflict, and also certainly as part of his ethnic cleansing programs.  

I'd say he merits the death penalty.  Life in prison seems too mild a fate for someone like Saddam.  


Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 01, 2004, 07:12:49 PM
First, Saddam siezed power in Iraq,
(With help from the US government.)

ordering the executions of many of his opponents. That's several hundred (or maybe thousand) counts of murder right there.

Second, to maintain and retain that power his regime indulged in torture, terror tactics, violations of human rights, etc.  Crimes against humanity, for which he is being tried by the Iraqis right now.

Third, Saddam is responsible for thousands of deaths in ethnic cleansing operations against the Kurds, the marsh-people, etc.  More crimes against humanity.

Fourth, Saddam amassed and used biological weapons
Fair enough. No-one is debating his evilness.

I'd say he merits the death penalty.
Why? What does killing him do? What does it solve?

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Arkanor on July 01, 2004, 07:22:09 PM
(With help from the US government.)

Eh... I'm not sure about that.  Are you getting him confused with the Shah?

Why? What does killing him do? What does it solve?

Absolutely nothing.  It's too late for most of Saddam's victims, and he's out of power, so it's not as if we're removing an evil overlord (already did that).  It might set a precedent, and act as a case example of what happens to bad people ruthless dictators.  Or it might not.  That is beside the point, though.  In my opinion,it's simply what he deserves, and what he's earned.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 01, 2004, 07:34:00 PM
Operation Iraqi Freedom

oh no please dont ill die with laughter

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 01, 2004, 08:21:35 PM
Eh... I'm not sure about that.  Are you getting him confused with the Shah?
Shah who?

Absolutely nothing.
If something acheives nothing, don't do it.

it's simply what he deserves, and what he's earned.
What - an easy way out? Instant release from a world that hates him?
Freedom from having to suffer even one miniscule of what he caused others to suffer?
Yeah, he really deserves that. <_<

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 01, 2004, 08:27:36 PM
perhaps you shud put him in the stock and feed him for the rest of his life while he can wish hed done somthing else

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: fan2hoobastank on July 01, 2004, 08:38:23 PM
I have this sneaking suspicion that he's just gonna get broken out by his followers (all be it the few that still exist) and then he'll go into hiding and wait for the right time to rise up and seize power again.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 01, 2004, 08:59:23 PM
I have this sneaking suspicion that he's just gonna get broken out by his followers (all be it the few that still exist) and then he'll go into hiding and wait for the right time to rise up and seize power again.
What you mean there is that the US government will stage a breakout, send Agent Hussein back into the field again, and use his escape as an excuse to invade another country? :P

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 01, 2004, 08:59:59 PM
LOL france!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: fan2hoobastank on July 01, 2004, 09:51:00 PM
hmmm that is indeed a thinker...I never did think about the US breaking out one of it's enemies...then send him into another enemy country just to use it as an excuse to invade that country...damn that's some FOXHOUND shit there  :P  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Arkanor on July 01, 2004, 10:21:18 PM
LOL france!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 02, 2004, 07:20:46 AM
(With help from the US government.)
Wrongo.  The U.S. supported him in the war against the extremist (and more dangerous) Ayatollah Khomeini, but did not support the Baathist rise to power.  ;)  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: fan2hoobastank on July 02, 2004, 10:30:27 AM
whoa ur one of dem smart people huh Lanair, see I'm just gonna be on ur side cuz u sound like u know what ur talking about.  :D  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: opperdude on July 02, 2004, 10:42:00 AM
i believe he worked with the CIA to get in power? :huh:  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Rug on July 02, 2004, 10:50:09 AM
Wrongo.  The U.S. supported him in the war against the extremist (and more dangerous) Ayatollah Khomeini, but did not support the Baathist rise to power.  ;)
They sold Saddam all the weapons they used in the Iran-Iraq war. INCLUDING the biological warfare agents.

So, yes, you created Saddam Hussein.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 02, 2004, 05:57:28 PM
nice bit o' gene splicing

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 03, 2004, 06:07:51 AM
They sold Saddam all the weapons they used in the Iran-Iraq war. INCLUDING the biological warfare agents.

So, yes, you created Saddam Hussein.
Here I'm not sure- we gave him biological weapons in the Iran-Iraq war?  Are you sure?  :unsure:

And Saddam was there before we funded him.  Though this goes to show- America never knows who to support in foreign countries.  LOL  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: underruler on July 03, 2004, 06:11:42 AM
Americans are dumb and fat.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 03, 2004, 12:44:34 PM
*claps* i second that *puts up hand*

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: RipperRoo on July 03, 2004, 02:24:50 PM
Americans are dumb and fat.
Shes hit the nail on the head.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 04, 2004, 04:53:20 AM
Stupid Brit Twits.  :P

At least our country is a world superpower.  :D  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: FragMaster1972 on July 04, 2004, 06:38:19 AM
yea but we're still asses.  ;)  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: mole on July 04, 2004, 11:17:23 AM
aye and we ave birth to your country, we do your inventing, we train your soldiers  LOL  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 05, 2004, 03:47:43 AM

Americans are the greatest inventors, and you had nothing to do with our military!  :P  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 05, 2004, 12:29:20 PM
<_< The greatest inventor was Leonardo Da Vinci.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 06, 2004, 01:29:26 AM
Um..... Edison, anyone?  :)

Well, even if you consider Leo a more sucessful inventor, at least he wasn't British!  LOL  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 06, 2004, 10:56:58 AM
Thomas Edison discovered the lightbulb.

Leonardo invented a bridge, helicopter, submarine, machine gun, tank, parachutes, and more.
He painted the most famous painting of all time, and many other master pieces.

If you want British inventions:
Computer, Geostationary Satellite, Hovercraft, Jet Engine, Lawnmower, Steam Train, Telephone, Television, The Web, and so on...

Infact, the lightbulb is British too! Joseph Swan created a working lightbulb in 1860, and had his patent a year before Edison got his!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: underruler on July 06, 2004, 04:18:18 PM
Knock knock!

Who's there?


Saddam who?

No no Saddam Hussein...get it right next time or I'll shoot ya.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 07, 2004, 12:26:55 AM
Very cute.  :P

SS- the lightbulb was not Edison's greatest invention, at least in his own opinion.  Go here (http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/bledisonpatents.htm) to see a list of his patents.  He tops Leo any day.  :)  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 07, 2004, 11:31:10 AM
They're all the same frigging thing repeated several times!

And they're patents, not inventions. I mean "Design for a Cabinet" - a cabinet design is hardly an invention!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 08, 2004, 04:14:43 AM
It's an innovation.  Besides, most of Leo's ideas didn't get off the drawing board!  At least Edison created a lot of useful stuff!  ;)  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 08, 2004, 10:19:44 AM
It's a fecking cupboard door!

And Edison created a few crappy things, nothing of much use at all.

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Arkanor on July 08, 2004, 11:19:52 PM
Um... what about the motion picture and phonograph?

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 08, 2004, 11:32:17 PM
Shush. Stop going off-topic. :P

Funny: everyone go read this (http://www.rockpapersaddam.com/index.html)!

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: FragMaster1972 on July 08, 2004, 11:46:44 PM
haha, nice.  :D  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 09, 2004, 03:51:38 AM

I like how he's trying to sell merchandise at the end, too.  LOL  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: SS on July 09, 2004, 11:19:58 AM
Well think of all the bandwidth he's using - that link is shooting round the globe...

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Saladin on July 09, 2004, 02:37:08 PM
hahahaha!!! that is great

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: diskreet on July 09, 2004, 08:42:02 PM
they should have nuked iraq.   <_<

look how well the japanese turned out.   :D  

Title: Saddam Hussein, Mr.
Post by: Lord Lanair on July 10, 2004, 04:08:38 AM
:huh:  LOL

Yeah, but all the other Arab countries would be griping at us then.  :D