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46  The Great Alliance / The Great City / LordStriker plans begin NOW on: January 27, 2004, 08:53:12 PM
the only reason your are doing this is because he's number 1, if he wasn't no one would care, his aliance is the one who should be dealing with him
You seem to defend him (or fear attacking him) quite a bit. Why is that?
Of course we are attacking him because he is number 1.... and he's a jerk to his own alliance members and everyone else. All he cares about is 100% LordStriker... that's it. I don't think it's JUST because he's #1 that people don't care for him... I think it's cause he's a jerk AND number 1 that causes people to want to bring him down.  Look at how much his own members have said about what he has done! The only people supporting him now are newbies who really think that because they are using his clicker and in Striker Clan it will bring them protection. Of course, LordStriker likes that.... make sure they click a lot, attack when he says so, and never question that he may be using really foul tactics... he loves having sheep underneath him.  
47  The Great Alliance / The Great City / LordStriker plans begin NOW on: January 27, 2004, 07:32:49 AM
Here... this is from his own alliance.... tell me what you think of him as a player based on what HIS OWN ALLIANCE has said... there is 12 pages of this... what I posted is not even two pages.... but, they go on and on with the same type of stuff...
http://strikerclan.proboards26.com/index.c...isplay&start=30   You will have to register on his site to see it... but look.

And like I said earlier... wasn't TGA attacking LordStriker before? Would this not be the perfect opportunity, now that he has no allies?

Posts- '0'
Administration- gone
User changed- Traitor

wats happened LS?? whys kyra a traitor!

win whatever i say he will delete my posts... im joining the relentless chain next age who is allied to us but he says im a traitor for it... and will send attack orders on me soon... it was great working with you all if anyone still needs help just pm in koc or in mirc i will still gladly help.... members are not LS so i can seperate the 2... of course this will be deleted soon so if you can save it and send it around if someone asks what happened it would be nice  ( btw win youre a good kid sorry if i pestered you you just get very excited sometimes it was nothing personal)



wait.... wasn't that the whole point of relentless? They were trying to get everyone that was in relentless to join into one massive command chain. Aren't LS and Kyra and all of SC in Relentless? What's the big deal if people move around a bit as long as they stay on the same side??

KyraKyle has been given a choice; support Striker Clan or leave. Her idea of supporting us is moderating this forum. Yet when it comes to mass attacking our enemies, she has never participated. This is complete disregard for what we stand for.

This goes to show that it only takes one act of treason to negate months of hard work. If it was only one time we could have over looked it, but she has gone to the point of declaring that she will never participate in our mass attacks. And intends to join another clan at the start of Age 3

Attack orders are issued

KyraKyle has become a traitor to Striker Clan. She is in leage with Elite and OSA, arch-enemies of Striker Clan.

Attack 5x1 (Attack each target 5 Times with 1 attack turn each time) on the target, then reply to this email with attack results pasted from your attack log.

Attack Targets:
KyraKyle - http://www.kingsofchaos.com/attack.php?id=1281852

Starting DA 82,000,000
Current DA *Accounted Deleted*

Lets bring the Chaos back to KOC!

awwww come LS.....act of treason...think how many members dont participate in mass attacks! to be honest i'd gladly have her not mass attack if she could moderate this forum....but to give her 2 options either leave or participate....thats leathal man! we cant have the clan breaking up...members will loose faith here if she goes....she has fans!! i mean...look into attack exchange...and the amount of people that walk in asking for help....do u think they participate!?

I dont jump in blindfully in massattacks so what? what does it change to this forum? i have helped everyone here since day one and stood up for you and you know it.... the other clan is relentless and i am a member.... SC is allied to us... i am still in the same chain... how am i a traitor? because im leaving you as an officer? you dont need me you have hundreds of officers who will gladly click you and get you to the top again, i just want to go some place where im a bit more needed and where i feel welcome... thats all... relentless is about friendship and that is where i feel good.

in my opinion she's done a great job in the forums and for what i can remember she helped 2 time in a mass for my own clan, and got 15 people arranged or more for us. for SC she PM'd half of the koc world to ask to participate in the attacks.
aside from the help part (which im convinced she she done very well no matter what people say) she is still a nice friendly person....afterall, i think nobody is obliged to do anything they dont want to....

Undertaker  i had forgotten about that one LOL.... and its hard to prove the work i have done here since striker put my posts to zero so its kinda complicated for anyone to find them unless they read each thread ... sad sad...

and masterville wingardium Aankhen crazylife Undie (LOL) ect ... thank you for your support i appreciate

Ok, she came to me almost crying and asking what to do and all  so i felt the need to come and check

LS, i wonder why u are reacting like that. If she wants to join the relentless chain, there must be a reason ... Leave her alone. She helped u during months so i guess u could give her atleast some more credits. Do u know that u could lose a part of members by doing this? She was more active on the boards than u, ... and many members would be able to support her instead of the leader striker. U can try to scare your members off, but she won't lose support at all.

I support her, ok i know i'm not a member, this is just a game ... don't get mad because she wants to join some1 else than u. Ok, since u showed your true face, i guess there's nothing else for us to do than leaving the clan and his great members. I came her because she needed some help ... i did help u guys a bit ...

I think that u r going to lose some friends soon if u don't leave her alone

LS, what are you doing here, accusing one of your best members of being a traitor  well, maybe she did not always participate in mass attacks, but remember that she was almost always under attack herself just for being one off your top ranked officers and I don't think SC would be as strong as it is now if kyra would not have done the things she has.

LS, think about what your doing here...

well, well, well, so this is what you do, the mighty LS, a person noone never realy see. All you know is launching attack orders, and this time against the person that has helped you with SC and you building up in KOC.
If it Wasnt for Kyrakyle you wouldnt have a forum and you would just be a clicking clan, but hey, thats what you always wanted, you never wanted a forum did you, you didnt want happy members, it upsets you, you just want them to click you and attack for you..

Im sick of this bs, and how you treat people. I have defended you personally and relentless has defended you so many times in the chat channels and at GUA..but you dont care..you want to be the big evil person..wish i had known earlier.

And 1 thing you need to know, if i hadnt invited you to Relentless. If we hadnt accepted you, you would never have bin allowed to grow as you have. You dont realize that i know. But thats the truth, belive me.

And relentless wont accept attacking on theire members i told you this. I have personally helped Kyrakyle as i have with alot of members, this is the final drop. I told you last night it would be a bad idea to attack her!

This game is not like a chess game you play with some friends and have a good laugh about it, ..but for you it is, so youre the one who doesnt fit here, youre the piese that creates shit and disturbace. byebye..
48  The Great Alliance / The Great City / LordStriker plans begin NOW on: January 27, 2004, 06:32:53 AM
there is a site, dedicated to attacking one person because they lied, right, it's because there powerful, and you'll probably get a lot of suckers to listen to it tracy, have a good time with that, but i will have no part in it, as it says on the site, there are 2 sides to every story, and you only give one.
I provided quotes by Kyrakle and by LordStriker... I gave the link to LordStrikers making amends post. If anyone wants additional info, they should know they can go to the StrikerClan site. I think I provided plenty of opportunity for people to read both sides. Of course, the best they will get from LordStriker is reading his posts that are generic and designed for all. If you try to ask him a question directly, don't expect an answer... he's too busy to deal with us little people.

I don't think my story is one sided at all... I provided links to his posts... and his alliance forum is well known... and like I said... I provided both HIS REASON for attacking Kyrakyle and her responses... not sure how you consider it one sided.

Also, correct me if i'm wrong... didn't TGA participate in attacks against LordStriker in the past? It's not because he 'lied' the site was created.... it's cause his actions clearly illustrate... he's an A-hole who cares about helping nobody but himself. (and it adds fun to the game).

If you think he's a great guy, answer me why so many people don't care for him? Relentless has broken their ties with him, orc00 said himself he would join in attacks on him, and of course, you have the 'regulars' who will be attacking him. But hey, to each his own Biteme... if you don't wanna read what he has to say, then I guess your only gonna hear one side right?  
49  The Great Alliance / The Great City / LordStriker plans begin NOW on: January 27, 2004, 03:17:16 AM
is this supposed to be informative??? cuz i recall you saying that all TGA members were taken off OSA, but i'll attack on my own

btw i heard that kyrakyle is not in Striker Clan anymore, just informative(i have a friend in Striker Clan, Know411, and i overheard him talking about this with a my friend dryholla who's in N.O.O.)
All of TGA's members WERE deleted from there.... in fact.... the whole freaking site was deleted... it was dead... but, with the recent turn of events..... I'm hoping the new OSA site will gain new members.... ready for killing.....

I have posts in there explaining the recent turn of events... LordStriker calling an attack on his top officer, Relentless breaking their ties with him... all that stuff... and, of course the old info about his clicker too... BUT, this time, I caught his butt in a lie... so, know I can go around calling him a liar and not worry about him threatening a lawsuit on me like he did before!

50  The Great Alliance / The Great City / LordStriker plans begin NOW on: January 27, 2004, 02:54:12 AM
The OSA is back.... Plans to nail LordStriker are in the makes...

The new and improved OSA.... what's improved about it? All those 'spies' from Relentless that used to be members..... well, now they are in there again... but not as spies... this will be the greatest gathering of members to take down one b!tch @ss liar in KoC history....

51  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Farm spies on: January 27, 2004, 12:56:00 AM
i have a thing called bookmarks  Tongue
Hmm, I guess bookmarks are OK if you do everything on one computer... but if I login from school, home, and work... bookmarks won't cut it.
52  The Great Alliance / The Great City / damage on: January 26, 2004, 11:20:09 PM
You sound like you're planning something...? :intruiged:
Me planning something? Oh no... I deleted the OSA site.... I will leave the planning to others. I just poke around in forums where I shouldn't and collect info... Hmmm.... Remember when LordStriker left the country and as soon as he stepped on his plane, mass attacks began? Remember all the talk about it? Hmmm... maybe something will happen again that will get a lot of talk? I can feel it coming...

53  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Farm spies on: January 26, 2004, 11:17:06 PM
Why wouls someone be foolhearty enough to send everyspy they had up agaisnt a high level player.  In my experiencew the more you send the more likely you are to get caught.  Unlike most of you I am not in the upper echilons of the spy community and therefore must be cautious in technique.
Maybe they didn't want the spies anymore and wanted their rank to drop? Or maybe, they want the person to know they have an eye on them?

Sometimes, I see a target I want to come back to later... I send a spy in... knowing it will get caught... but now I have that person in my logs so when I check names, I can go "oh yeah, that dude who gets a lot of TBG... lemme go see what he's got right now" ... I use it as a way of creating my 'check this person out often' list.
54  The Great Alliance / The Great City / damage on: January 26, 2004, 11:14:28 PM
There's a similiar secret along those lines to save your items from getting damaged in the first place. But if you don't already know it, you aint gonna hear it from me....

.... not unless there is a KoC wide attack on LordStriker now that he has broken his ties with Relentless... in that case, I will give tips (maybe)
55  The Great Alliance / The Great City / WAR RELATED THING HERE on: January 26, 2004, 11:11:19 PM
eviltracy, i'd love to give you some numbers, but 85 pages of logs is a bit much.   As far as kills/gold stolen, your attacks are the exception, not the rule when it comes to the kill ratio.
OK... then i'm the exception to the rule... I can talk smack and mean it!  Tongue  
56  The Great Alliance / The Great City / WAR RELATED THING HERE on: January 26, 2004, 02:51:54 PM
pfff... ur begging to get 5x1'ed again? i might check in later Wink
Why would you do that? Unless you can beat my defense now.... I thought the strategy was to kill my soldiers and take gold? How would 5x1's do that if you're not beating me?  
57  The Great Alliance / The Great City / WAR RELATED THING HERE on: January 26, 2004, 06:26:47 AM
could we get a body count now? I'm curious after the attacks on d1skreet... what the counts are... also, I don't think all our gold stolen is getting reported.... for some reason, I am thinking i'm doing better on all accounts... gold stolen, soldiers killed, and maintaining rank.

1 minute ago Raitei 762,694 Gold stolen 15 13 5 13,149,843 153,346,822 details
2 minutes ago d1skreet 341,038 Gold stolen 15 0 0 573,498 153,630,255 details
3 hours ago Raitei 644,603 Gold stolen 15 14 6 14,266,027 154,245,997 details
4 hours ago Raitei 1,141,333 Gold stolen 15 20 8 13,786,050 151,757,201 details
4 hours ago d1skreet 300,325 Gold stolen 15 37 14 24,047,100 153,007,676 details
12 hours ago d1skreet 521,795 Gold stolen 15 24 10 25,179,588 152,366,602 details
23 hours ago d1skreet 383,402 Gold stolen 15 16 6 28,959,048 152,131,492 details
1 day ago d1skreet 5,323 Gold stolen 1 61 32 53,714,016 152,517,326 details
1 day ago d1skreet 5,334 Gold stolen 1 42 24 68,274,189 152,106,997 details
1 day ago d1skreet 8,071 Gold stolen 1 61 36 68,788,800 151,960,530 details
1 day ago Raitei 1,379,047 Gold stolen 15 6 3 13,549,953 156,201,183 details
2 days ago d1skreet 133,589 Gold stolen 15 74 46 87,677,445 156,308,681 details
2 days ago d1skreet 207,974 Gold stolen 15 47 29 96,545,652 154,590,243 details
2 days ago d1skreet 735,924 Gold stolen 15 88 67 118,171,218 154,240,323 details
2 days ago d1skreet 258,750 Gold stolen 15 71 58 129,344,202 156,186,663 details
2 days ago d1skreet 12,534 Gold stolen 1 42 34 128,875,998 156,380,748 details
3 days ago Raitei 724,243 Gold stolen 15 15 7 13,467,720 156,380,212 details

Attacks AGAINT Me
10 hours ago LadyofLight 115,009 Gold stolen 15 2 2 27,406,080 5,660,160 details
20 hours ago Am2g4u Attack defended 1 3 1 3,249,434 6,036,480 details
1 day ago The_Red_Baron Attack defended 3 2 1 2,470,170 5,952,000 details
1 day ago LadyofLight 34 Gold stolen 1 2 2 27,343,581 7,388,160 details
1 day ago LadyofLight 8,795 Gold stolen 1 4 4 27,200,121 7,749,120 details
1 day ago NS33 2,588 Gold stolen 1 2 2 207,353,223 8,240,640 details
2 days ago Darklord_Yann (not active) Attack defended 1 0 0 267,810 6,113,280 details
2 days ago Biter Attack defended 15 0 0 4,339 5,981,040 details
2 days ago Biter Attack defended 15 0 0 4,489 5,960,367 details
2 days ago Biter Attack defended 15 0 0 3,921 6,154,548 details
2 days ago Biter Attack defended 15 0 0 5,673 6,110,892 details
2 days ago Biter Attack defended 15 0 0 5,190 6,174,720 details
3 days ago Whiteaker 3,229,017 Gold stolen 15 3 1 50,122,488 5,391,360 details
3 days ago Beldock 7,109 Gold stolen 1 5 2 6,336,332 5,158,944 details
3 days ago Beldock 504,253 Gold stolen 15 2 1 6,367,845 5,445,120 details
3 days ago biteme360 626,750 Gold stolen 15 2 2 44,041,317 5,406,720 details
3 days ago biteme360 656,724 Gold stolen 15 1 1 44,008,719 5,452,800 details
4 days ago biteme360 394,703 Gold stolen 15 2 2 43,913,808 5,683,200 details
4 days ago opperdude Attack defended 1 3 1 3,655,401 5,563,650 details
4 days ago opperdude Attack defended 1 2 1 3,696,903 5,578,998 details
4 days ago opperdude Attack defended 1 2 1 3,744,723 5,578,998 details
4 days ago opperdude Attack defended 1 4 2 3,701,340 5,466,024 details
4 days ago opperdude Attack defended 15 4 2 3,768,891 5,637,120 details
4 days ago muffin__21 Attack defended 1 1 0 4,558,991 5,629,440 details
4 days ago biteme360 442,554 Gold stolen 15 1 1 43,981,356 5,491,200 details
4 days ago moosemonkey Attack defended 1 0 0 465 5,376,000 details
4 days ago Matt_the_shark Attack defended 15 2 1 5,301,298 5,565,825 details
4 days ago Matt_the_shark Attack defended 15 4 2 5,321,519 5,468,160 details
4 days ago LadyofLight 10,734 Gold stolen 1 3 2 26,204,700 5,719,365 details
4 days ago LadyofLight 208,119 Gold stolen 15 2 2 25,937,748 5,706,240 details
58  The Great Alliance / The Great City / What should i do on: January 23, 2004, 05:16:20 PM
I've found that with a high spy skill and average defense you can ward off most people.  I try to limit my attacks to a specific number of people in order to prevent sabatoge as well.  Spy Skill up to level 7 is fairly easy but from there it gets rather difficult.
I've found you can ward of 100% of the people if you don't make enemies, don't have an offensive name, and spend all your gold  Tongue

Just be careful, if your not sab immune and  you are farming, those people may eventually get ticked off and ask somebody for help.  
59  The Great Alliance / The Great City / I heard you guys need this.... on: January 23, 2004, 05:12:37 PM

...or ban you from their aim lists  Tongue
Ban is such a harsh word... I did not 'ban' you. I blocked  you. But like I said in an earlier post, I unblocked you now so you can heckle me.
60  The Great Alliance / The Great City / I heard you guys need this.... on: January 23, 2004, 02:32:29 AM
This war is getting pretty uncivilized.  You people should stop talking shit and start killing each other.  Nobody has realized yet that everyone in KoC thinks their alliance is the best when in reality they have no means to judge the other alliance in question.  Everyone is just bickering like a bunch of old people married for fifty years.  Don't talk trash...take out the trash.  Kill!  Kill!  Kill!  *Brings out a bucket of Pop-corn*  Okay, let's get it on!
Talking is half the fun.... no reason to take that away. If it was really that annoying, I would have been banned from here... and everyone from TGA would have been banned from Orc Army... gotta talk some shit ya know.  (just gotta be careful of the sensitive puss's which may cry if you're too rough with words)
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