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Author Topic: The Matrix: Revolutions  (Read 6907 times)
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« on: November 08, 2003, 01:30:24 AM »

Here is my review I posted on another forum, along with some questions that someone had raised there. WARNING!! THERE ARE MAJOR SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE!!![/u] If that is the, case, read at your own risk!!


Someone else's stuff:

Too many things were not explained. I would have been happier had they started the second film with Neo coming to Zion. That film should have given much more history of Zion and why they felt Neo was important. Instead there was this cliched treatment of him as a messiah by the masses, and a sketchy five minute explanation of Zion. No one seemed to believe in Morpheus, yet they diverted resources to allow him to find "the One". How the hell did all these humans get down near the earth's core and build this massive habitat? Where did they get the resources? How did they do it without the machines knowing? What is their source of energy? It must be immensely powerful. What about sunlight? How do they compensate for the lack of sun? How do they get oxygen? How are their ships powered? Where are the ships in the final battle? Why not have an EMP in the Dock when the Squidies come in? Why not send an EMP missile or several ships to the Machine City and use an EMP to knock it out? Why are the machines so inefficient? Instead of sending millions of Squidies down to Zion, why didn't they just send a nuke down? Or a deadly gas? Or drop an EMP down first? Am I really to believe that those dudes in the Mech's are really firing bullets at those hundreds of thousands of Squidies who could just swarm them in seconds and be done with it? How do the Squidies propel themselves? How can Neo see when he is rescued from his pod in the first movie? If the eyes are not used when humans are born the optic nerve does not connect. How does Neo breathe when he returns to the surface? Who is it exactly that he's talking to? How does he effect the physical world outside of the Matrix? Or the reverse, in Agent Smith's case. That just doesn't make any sense. It's like they decided to make him this superman and it's just too convenient and unbelievable. In Reloaded it's just silly how invulnerable and all-powerful he is. Also, when he's fighting all the Smiths in Reloaded, couldn't there have been a way for him to defeat one during combat instead of knocking them away and having them come back at him? It's ridiculous for him to even stay and fight. Yet he does. I like righteous butt-kicking kung fu style, but there were times where it just dragged. It's kind of like, here's another long fight seen where no one really gets hurt, they just beat each other silly and break a few walls.

I also didn't believe the love between him and Trinity. Maybe that's just the acting. And unfortunately in Reloaded, Morpheus' character is so lame. That speech, at the rave whatever (and why are they partying when doom is headed their way?), I about threw up. He was so cool and kick ass in the first one. Strong, deep, commanding and mysterious. I guess he did seem more vulnerable and human in Revolutions which redeemed him in my eyes. He's still my favorite character in the trilogy.


My stuff:

film should have given much more history of Zion and why they felt Neo was important
See The Animatrix for further details.
did they do it without the machines knowing?
The machines did know. In Reloaded, the Architect told Neo that Zion had been destroyed 5 times in the past.
Why not have an EMP in the Dock when the Squidies come in? Why not send an EMP missile or several ships to the Machine City and use an EMP to knock it out?
EMP was unavailable because they had all been sent out to defend other parts. My understanding is that EMP takes forever to recharge (either that, or each ship uses it only less than once, which I dont believe). Either way, they were "gone" (see "ambiguity").
How does he effect the physical world outside of the Matrix? Or the reverse, in Agent Smith's case.
See "ambiguity."
I also didn't believe the love between him and Trinity. Maybe that's just the acting. And unfortunately in Reloaded, Morpheus' character is so lame. That speech, at the rave whatever (and why are they partying when doom is headed their way?), I about threw up. He was so cool and kick ass in the first one. Strong, deep, commanding and mysterious. I guess he did seem more vulnerable and human in Revolutions which redeemed him in my eyes. He's still my favorite character in the trilogy.
See "film."


Film: I find Revolutions to be a film of action, almost devoid of storyline progress or character development. The first part to address is the love scene. The love between the two was originally intended to end with The Matrix, because the film was not expected to do so well. But with the love stuck in there, the directors threw cheesy love scenes between the two, and sometimes forcing it too much. In Reloaded, not much, the sex scene, and Trinity being saved when Neo gets that bullet out. In Revolutions, the relationship between Neo and Trinity applied to only a few cases. The most important is that if not for their "love" for another, Neo would have had no way to get to Zero One. The second important occurs in the beginning, when she convinces that French bastard to let Neo out of the train station. The love story was forced and there was no way out.

Like Deckard said, there was little character development. What happened to the personalities that were so strong in The Matrix? Revolutions was a big gunfight. Its conclusion could have been written out in half an hour, no more than an hour. The useless chatting and other stuff took up most of the movie. I wasnt expecting the death of Trinity, nor was I shocked (or even a bit surprised) that she died. With no other way to end the love story (and what a "classic" way to end it), its as if her death were "inevitable."
Characters, etc:   (1/2)
Action: **** (4)

Ambiguity: The ending sucked. It stunk. It was horrible. The average viewer is not smart enough, apparently, to follow the hints that the directors put into the movie. I came out of the theater and people were like "Oh, I didnt think Neo would die!" Those dumbasses! (Well, I guess you COULD blame the directors for that, but its better to blame other people's dumpidity.) The second to last scene we see of Neo is him being unplugged from the Matrix. Then some stuff happens, and we see him being taken away by this machine whatchamacallit. The Oracle tells the little girl (forgot her name) that they'll be seeing Neo very soon. Prior to this, the Architect said that whoever that wanted to be unplugged will be. Now, given the facts, it is likely that Neo will be reinserted into the Matrix, although it takes some tying up of loose ends to come to that. Bad directing. the case was too ambiguous.

Second, what happens to the sentinels? Last we see is them hovering in the dock, NOT leaving. It is vvery difficult to predict or assume what happens to them. Do they help rebuild Zion? Do they just leave? Where will the humans go? Zion is in ruins, and repairs will take years. Will the humans go to the surface? The human and machine society remains and unknown to the viewer at the end of the film.

Third, what happens to the French guy? We now know the obviously plays a major role in the Matrix, as his ties may go directly to the Architect. We know that Trinity forced him to let Neo back in, but remember that he "doesnt forget" nor does he forgive. Knowing the French, he should have went after the bounty on trio, but didnt. Did the Architect also resolve the conflicts here??

Fourth, if Neo were the savior of humankind, and the machines knew that Smith was out of control, who was there to save the machines? Agents were to keep those who were potentially gonna disconnect from really disconnecting. Zion was created by the Architect so that those who actually were disconnected could be wiped out simutaneously. But if Smith were really out of control, and Neo and the bigass machine thing had a deal, why werent agents sent in to assist Neo, even in the smallest way?
Storyline: ** (2)

Overall movie? I think it was pretty good. There wasnt much of a story to tell, so the directors went overboard on the fighting (which, I must admit, was pretty good). I think Revolutions itself ranked second in the triology, but only because it was the ending. Without some of the action scenes which made up for the crappiness of the story, the thing would have been dead. All in all, no real strong emotions.
Action: *** (3 1/2)

Revolutions, overall, barely makes 3 stars (out of 4 1/2).

The Matrix: Revolutions rating: *** (3)
Trilogy rating: *** (3)
The Matrix rating: *** (3 1/2)
The Matrix: Reloaded: *** (3)
« Last Edit: November 08, 2003, 01:32:38 AM by ns33 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2003, 08:10:38 AM »

just a few rebuttals, then ill ad my basic sentiment:

Second, what happens to the sentinels? Last we see is them hovering in the dock, NOT leaving.

We do see them leaving, and although they don't waste time showing you thousands upon thousands leaving, it is a safe assumption that the rest leave as well. (Actually, thinking back, I'm not entirely certain....I thought I remembered them leaving....then I remembered the EMP and now I'm thinking they couldn't have. I think I'm getting some order confused here, because I remember the squidies at work when Neo started talking to the Machine God Thinger, and they paused when he started talking. I know when the EMP was fired the squidies were going nutty attacking things. Can someone set the order straight on this part of the battle for me?)

Where will the humans go? Zion is in ruins, and repairs will take years. Will the humans go to the surface? The human and machine society remains and unknown to the viewer at the end of the film.

They can't go to the surface--there's simply no room, as the machines have overrun the planet. remember what the ground looked like when trinity and neo were flying to the main city? covered by various machines. However, also Zion took serious damage, the entire place wasn't ruined. Only the main dock, and I would imagine a small area around it, were severely damaged. The reason that everyone went to the temple is because it was believed to be their last stronghold, as the rest of the city wasn't heavily fortified.

But if Smith were really out of control, and Neo and the bigass machine thing had a deal, why werent agents sent in to assist Neo, even in the smallest way?

Smith was Neo's opposite--Neo had incredible powers, and used them to try and save humankind, whereas Smith just aimed for general destruction. The machines couldn't stop Smith any more easily than they could stop Neo--and some of the various wars with agents proved this futile. Only with Neo's powers could the Machines stop Smith.

Now then, with all that said--My main problem with Revolutions was the lack of a plot. The story has been replaced by special effects and bad acting. Everything in the original Matrix had an explanation, and was actually plausible. A strech, quite a stretch even, but the logic was easily followed and made sense, no matter how unlikely it may be. In the new movie, everything that happens is just "because I love you," "because it's meant to be," "because I said so," etc.

And all the acting was overdone and repetitive. It was like a soap opera, loaded with psuedo-dramatic speeches (damn that sounded cool) and the like. This happens constantly between Neo and Trinity, and to all other couples to a lesser degree. They just keep firing off short, sappy words at each other. I think the worst, and most obvious case of overacting, was in a matter of seconds--When Naiobe and co. are heading for Zion, and its discovered that the gate won't open. You see fighting in the dock, then it flashes to a guy shouting "I can't open the gate!!" and then back to the fighting. No sign of any acknowledgement or anything. This could've been worked in much better. They shouldn't have cut from the fighting just for a matter of seconds. They should've had the captain's repsonse *immediately* after. Having the captain respond with "get the nearest mech to gate 3" immediately after would've flowed much better. After all, most of what you're seeing at that point is just mechs firing bullets at random (and strangely missing each other....hmmm.....)

Which is a big problem I have with that scene. Once the squidies got through the hole and down at the same level as the mechs--the mechs would've been hitting each other more than they hit the squidies. And the center tower would've been done much sooner from all the crossfire.

Back to the overacting--sorry to jump around--I'm sorry, but that whole aerial fight scene was so overdone, its ridiculous. As were many scenes. Just as--was it ns or the original poster?--said, it pointless to have them fighting for 15 minutes without even hurting each other.

Bah, just lost my train of thought, so for the time being I'll just wrap this up saying overall a decent movie, but it certainly doesnt live up to the standards set by the first movie. Worth seeing, not buying, good action flick, but not if you're watching mainly for a good story. Not good if you like a very solid, closed ending, but great if you like open ends that allow you to think and decide for yourself where the story will lead.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2003, 08:11:35 AM by FragMaster1972 » Logged

1 posts to [span style=\'font-size:30pt;line-height:100%\'][/s]BURSEG!!![/u][/size][/span][/b]
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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2003, 01:30:26 PM »

I say, thank you for telling me all this so I can complain to my airheaded friend who thinks the Matrix is god and does nothing but talk about it whenever I manage to bump into him. Now I can tell him to shut the fish up because I already know. The first Matrix was guud. Mmmhm. The rest suck donkeys. Its like: Oh, lets make a whole bunch of cool looking effects and big fight scenes so we can drag in the population that is braindead and only watches things for booms. And boobs. There.

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2003, 05:32:14 PM »

If you think about it, Revolutions wasnt MATRIX. It could have been titled: Zion: The Last Fight or something like that. The only matrixy thing about Revolutions was that Smith was a Matrix program that had to be defeated. Otherwise, it was all human-machine outside Matrix world. I think that 4 out of 5 people would agree with FragMaster that the movie was devoid of a plot.  <_<  
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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2003, 05:32:28 PM »

[Just added spoiler warning into the description, so people don't have to look at the first post to find out. Tongue]

Peter 'SpectralShadows' Boughton,
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« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2003, 12:38:10 AM »

Just seen the film, thought it was stupid...why release the humans which they needed in the first place to survive??
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« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2003, 04:58:40 AM »

You guys need to look past the special effects. The last movie was awsome. There -WAS- a plot to it, it just doesn't stab you in the face. Its mostly sub-plot I'll give you an example.

The frenchman says the oracles eyes can't be taken, must be given.
Smith takes the oracles eyes.
The oracle gives neo(Through smith) the final message he needs to realize what he must do.
Smith loses.

And the main plot is easy to... Neo needs to defeat smith to save the matrix, which saves the machiene nation which inturn saves the humans.



I am;
A Labourless Peasant, (Damning, Rambling, Aspiring, Unenlightening, King of Anything)
A Masked Faceless, (Diabolical Reliable Assassin of the Underworld, Knowledgeable in the mimickable Arts.)
A Soldier of Sand, Deplorable and Dutiful. Rugged yet Refined. United, and Undeniable. Austere yet Amendable. Kind, and Kingly. Arduous yet Amiable.
A General of the Fallen Legion, (I led my forces into the Deep, we Ran to Assault the Undefeated Keep. Admirably my men crashed like a wave to a ship. the ground shook with our marching and caused me to slip. I fell and later I began to wake. the ground again began to shake, but this time every one fell... Into the Lord’s precipice of hell, here I am damned to forever fall into the abyss.)
A King of the Fallen Nation, (Death stalks his murky streets. Rats run rampant to their Abundant feasts. The Undead stalk the boarders at night. the King, though fallen, has yet to be defeated in a fight. No nation dares intrude upon the unrelenting king. For they fear the horrors his merciless wrath would bring. People fear to leave his nation, and also to Arrive. But his people are just as relentless and resialiant,  they strive to survive.) “The Nation of Steel Will Never Yield.
An Emperor [span style=\'color:green\']of the Anarchists
, (Dispiteous Reaper of Atrocion, Underestimated Kaiser of Ambition)
A God [span style=\'color:green\']of the Faithless[/span], (Defiance, I will never allow. Reliance, I will never allow. Assurance, I will never give. Understanding, I will never give. Killing I will never explain. Always basking, in paradox.)
I am: The Dead, The Underworld, and Death.
I am... Drauka.

-Remorse for there is naught left to remorse for.
-We are the metaphorical whores of a new generaltion.
-Again metaphors that means people sit silent and still.
-Ah, this life is just my chessboard, and you are just my pawn.
-Feel the fucking fire rise, up and above and past your eyes.

Jason H. Fredricks'
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« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2003, 09:59:43 PM »

Like I said the machines need the humans as batteries so how can they give them up? You guys must have heard all those Jesus related stuff by now rite?
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« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2003, 10:56:42 PM »

A) They will figure out how to fix the skies.
B) Not all humans will be released right away since they cant handel it.
C) MAchines will takew away energy from the unnessicary macines


I am;
A Labourless Peasant, (Damning, Rambling, Aspiring, Unenlightening, King of Anything)
A Masked Faceless, (Diabolical Reliable Assassin of the Underworld, Knowledgeable in the mimickable Arts.)
A Soldier of Sand, Deplorable and Dutiful. Rugged yet Refined. United, and Undeniable. Austere yet Amendable. Kind, and Kingly. Arduous yet Amiable.
A General of the Fallen Legion, (I led my forces into the Deep, we Ran to Assault the Undefeated Keep. Admirably my men crashed like a wave to a ship. the ground shook with our marching and caused me to slip. I fell and later I began to wake. the ground again began to shake, but this time every one fell... Into the Lord’s precipice of hell, here I am damned to forever fall into the abyss.)
A King of the Fallen Nation, (Death stalks his murky streets. Rats run rampant to their Abundant feasts. The Undead stalk the boarders at night. the King, though fallen, has yet to be defeated in a fight. No nation dares intrude upon the unrelenting king. For they fear the horrors his merciless wrath would bring. People fear to leave his nation, and also to Arrive. But his people are just as relentless and resialiant,  they strive to survive.) “The Nation of Steel Will Never Yield.
An Emperor [span style=\'color:green\']of the Anarchists
, (Dispiteous Reaper of Atrocion, Underestimated Kaiser of Ambition)
A God [span style=\'color:green\']of the Faithless[/span], (Defiance, I will never allow. Reliance, I will never allow. Assurance, I will never give. Understanding, I will never give. Killing I will never explain. Always basking, in paradox.)
I am: The Dead, The Underworld, and Death.
I am... Drauka.

-Remorse for there is naught left to remorse for.
-We are the metaphorical whores of a new generaltion.
-Again metaphors that means people sit silent and still.
-Ah, this life is just my chessboard, and you are just my pawn.
-Feel the fucking fire rise, up and above and past your eyes.

Jason H. Fredricks'
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« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2003, 03:08:38 AM »

B) Not all humans will be released right away since they cant handel it.
they said those who wanted it would be released. that leaves *plenty* of people to power the machines.

1 posts to [span style=\'font-size:30pt;line-height:100%\'][/s]BURSEG!!![/u][/size][/span][/b]
"If you ever find yourself on the side of the Majority, it's time to pause and reflect." -Mark Twain[/color]

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