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1  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Names... on: May 04, 2004, 05:26:39 AM
felt like it  :cool:

now i prefer Shadow_King which comes partially from the old radio brodcast "The Shadow" and some other places
2  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 11:53:04 PM
that depends on where you live and if your willing to look around, you can find some grea deals on OEM CPUs
3  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 11:32:08 PM
for the graphics benchmark the P4 won

as well as audio, video, and application

the newest P4 had a surprisingly terrible score in games, worse than previous p4's so i'm thinking it may have some bugs that need to be worked out, applications is much more than just word, most people don't bother with multiple computers and the p4 shines in everything but games, unfortunately i don't have the one source i trust for benchmarks infront of me, or within walking distance, and i'm not going back to my house just to start quoting fps

and i would like to point out, the previous grading system for the athlons, 3200+, 3400+, etc., was souch a load of crap, it's about time they grew up  
4  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 10:54:37 PM

P4 EE is the newest processor, why not test it against AMD's latest the FX-53, not the FX-51.
probably the FX-53 was not out when they did their benchmarks

the only people i completely trust for benchmarks is Maximum PC, and unfortunately they don't have their test results online.
5  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 07:14:37 PM

AND I'D LIKE TO POINT OUT that Hyvry1 cut out the fact that the black athlon was overclocked
6  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 06:49:15 PM
ok, lets look at that, first, what were the rest of the stats of the computers those tests were run on?

why is there an amd athon processor image on the upper right of both of those pictures?

what is the link to the sit you got those from?

you can't take random information at face value, anyone with a spreadsheet could make that

and 3DMark has different parts to the test i believe, there's many different programs thats used in it, then one overall mark that comes from a genearl score throught

how about hyper-threading? were the applications used to test the processors able to use hyper-threading?

i'll try and find some random spreadsheets of myown that will go here:

AND OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED THIS, THOSE P4's were being run on 200 fsb's, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT most run at 800 FSB right now, mine is a year old and runs at 533
7  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 22, 2004, 02:41:45 PM
frag, give me actuall scores, and show me where i can find it, who did it, the machines they used, etc.
8  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / quick question on: March 18, 2004, 05:40:41 PM
very true, unless the pc is worthless, i pulled an orginal pentium out of an old comp that my mom threw away, tried to get some other stuff to, but the had welded everything to the case  <_< , apparently screwes hadn't been invented when they made it
9  BPSITE / Geek's Corner / athlon vs. pentium on: March 17, 2004, 04:43:24 PM
athlon 64 fx.

thats a code phrase for piece of crap
10  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 14, 2004, 08:29:03 AM
:blink:  cal 3, if you go to usc, remind me to find you and beg for tutoring, i'm barly making it through cal 2

oh, and i'm holding steady at....

don't look if you don't want to know

may cause sudden loss of blader control, dizziness, and intense feelings of envy

Ranked: 82, goes anywhere from 79-85
11  The Great Alliance / The Great City / cm on: March 14, 2004, 08:26:04 AM
i haven't tried it, but if it's like koclinks, it's way more hassle than it's worth, all you have to do on cm is click the image, if your screen is set large enough you don't even have to scroll down
12  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 09, 2004, 08:37:26 PM
i konw exactly how they did it, the made new accounts, when you actived an account that was already there, you got 1K gold, something like that, but when age 2 started if you made a new account you still got 50K gold, buy some def and attack weapons, and train a spy or two and your top ten.

Just remember, Striker was #1 for almost all of Age 2... almost... And guess who was the winner?

is that a challenge NS? cause i'm up for it  
13  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Bragging Rights on: March 08, 2004, 06:59:46 PM
i just needed to post this somewhere now that i finally found a good place to host pictures from

14  The Great Alliance / The Great City / Which Age owned? on: March 07, 2004, 08:18:36 AM
i started prity early in age 1

age 1 didn't have sabotage that was age 2 that started that

age 1 had the weapon damage thing, but i think it was disabled or something

you forgot about the 5X rule, durning most of age 1 there was a rule that you could only attack some 5X your own size or half of your own size, i think that should be brought back, to help stop the fake , it would mean LS would prity much be unstopable cause no more massing him, but i think the game was funner with it, and you didn't have baby accounts checking your str before the real account came in and kicked the crud out of your def.
15  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / Dodgy Art... Including Mole's avatar on: March 02, 2004, 02:38:34 AM
yea he did
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