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BPSITE / Geek's Corner / Re: graphics cards
on: February 25, 2010, 10:41:21 PM
sooo much time has passed. I have a new desktop (my old one fried) and I'm actually looking into laptops. Does anyone have the newer laptop graphics cards like the geforce 230M or ATI' HD 4550, or even Intell's GMA 4500MHD? If you do, what do you think of them?
BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Re: I'm backkk
on: February 25, 2010, 09:59:46 PM
Come on SS, I miss this place and it's naughty (ie. Mole) antics.
[Edit] I'm doing my best here to make a few posts to see if I can catch any veteran peeps!
BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Re: Google Wave
on: February 25, 2010, 09:55:21 PM
Is anyone using their google wave? I've sort of been disappointed in google since the 'Buzz' thing happened. Hell, I hardly keep up on my facebook nonsense let alone have a second social network account.
BPSITE / Geek's Corner / Compiler
on: April 04, 2008, 12:35:07 AM
I'm still unpacking!! gosh!! I'll make a converter; though I am wondering how much error checking I'm going to have to check. I'll find out the further I get into this. :-)
BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Spring BREAK!!!
on: April 04, 2008, 12:33:32 AM
early summer vacation Smi?
what exactly do you mean by homemaker? I'll be trying to keep the house clean... I'll try to make dinner .... It should be amusing :sheep: I'm still a little bit sick, so I haven't done any cooking yet.
BPSITE / Geek's Corner / Compiler
on: March 31, 2008, 11:32:35 PM
I wonder if this will be one of my "projects" this "quarter" Sounds interesting, I'll try it. :sheep:
BPSITE / Geek's Corner / Compiler
on: March 31, 2008, 01:05:26 AM
It might be fun to write an interpreter to convert your syntax to C syntax, then just feed that to a normal C compiler. The problem is that you'd still have to declare data types (maybe make everything type int, and rewrite the libraries...), and make the distinction between assignments and comparisons. /me remembers how many sleepless nights he spent because of his compilers class :ph34r:
BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Spring BREAK!!!
on: March 28, 2008, 02:37:46 AM
This is the end of my spring break, spring quarter starts in four days (March 31)... or at least the would ordinarily... Things haven't been going well the past year, so I'll be taking spring quarter off I think I might be a homemaker now :paranoid: