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16  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: November 22, 2004, 10:39:34 AM
The Open Season
Ice and snow on the window,
Across the counter strewn about,
Are jars each which throw,
Glorious smells for my snout.

Opened jars of peanut butter,
Mixed with honey, mixed with jam,
Mixed with meat, don’t call me a nutter,
I have weird tastes, it’s how I am.

Frige is open, fruit on the floor,
Ice box open, oh what’s in store?
Fruit and ice cream I WANT MORE
Until my mom closes the door.

Though it was the open season,
I find my self, now a’cleanin’.
17  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: November 18, 2004, 08:28:00 AM
College Prep
Block One
Sweet Dreams: Research in music.
       Have you ever asked yourself how much you are really effected by what you hear? Does music have a subliminal hold over human mind? Interesting fact, which got me interested in this subject, a tragedy for the nation, Columbine. At Columbine there was a school shooting and bombing. The day after said events, councilors, detectives, and psychologists overran the school. Together they came up with a theory that I found ludicrous. They blamed the kinds heinous crimes on video games, TV, and music. TV; I could agree with completely. Video games; well video games I couldn’t see really, at all. But when I heard music I flat thought the notion was retarded. My topic is more related to my feelings on music, seriously, does any once actually believe that music has such an effect on people that they are forced to be excessively violent?
      To me it seemed that these people were giving the parents a scapegoat, so they could blame their failures on media icons. Does anyone believe music out there that actively alters your state of mind? Have you ever been driving down the road, and a particular song came on that started to move you- enhancing your road rage? Making you want to flip someone off, or cut someone off? My purpose will be to prove that no, these things have very little effect on the mind. While I am not arguing that lyrics can be provocative, I am arguing that actual genres, the actual music played is either harmless or beneficiary. My paper will be covering the subjects of how sound effects the power of suggestion/subliminal commands, the human mind, and the human body.
       Perhaps the most noted and well-known proof of power of suggestion is placebos. A placebo is fake-medicine, given to someone who believes it is real. Due to their beliefs the ‘fake-medicine’ becomes real. This offers proof that the mind has a dramatic effect over the body. Another example of such a strange event is the Sudden Death Phenomenon, the mind ‘believes’ that the body will die. The mind then causes the body to have a sort of heart attack. Well, we have seen that the power of suggestion can both heal and wound. Strategies for controlling mental process are cognitive strategies. One of these processes is called distraction, basically the mind forgets about a pain that is given. The human mind has a wide range of perception. Yet we only concentrate on one or two things that we see, even though our brain records almost every sense we have of a certain point and time. Advertising is based on the fact that under any circumstances, you store more information in a fraction of a second. Are influenced by it than you are ever consciously aware of.
        Does music effect the human mind? Well, anyone who researches psychological subjects will tell you, there is never a clear-cut answer, and there is always a group and an opposing experiment that could be cited as a counter point. Repeating experiments rarely gives exactly the same results. This is due to the complexity of the individual human mind. There is such a thing call the “Mozart Effect.” An experiment was conducted a while back, consisting of people listening to silence or Mozart for fifteen minutes before a test. The students who listened to Mozart did better on said test. So the conclusions that can be drawn from this is that music does in fact effect learning and memory right? Well other scientists were as skeptical as I am and the experiment has been reproduced a multitude of times. The same results were never attained. There was never any advantage of those who listened to Mozart over the other students. “Another Brick In The Wall” by Pink Floyd was recreated by Korn. While the original song by pink Floyd contained alot of anger, and angry lyrics, Korn’s cover of the song contains much more anger then the original. Both songs are the same notes with the same accompanying lyrics played in slightly different styles. The end result though, is drastically different. Yet, does this change effect how it plays in your head? Can one song actually make you or I more violent, more prone to “flipping-out” on someone or something? Sadly, research on the subject fluctuates highly from experiment to experiment. The way the brain interprets sounds is through change. Can the change of notes in combination of the lyrics make one song actually more dangerous to the mind then another?
       The information given proves that music has no effect on personality, memory, and learning, but what about physical effects? Before we can properly assess the effect of music on the body, it must be stated how we actually perceive sounds. The human body only detects change. If you don’t think so, think of your every day life. The ear converts sound waves into vibrations, which are then turned into electrical impulses telling the brain what is “heard.” Well, sound waves and vibrations are constantly moving through the air. Do we hear them all? No. Why is this? It is because the brain blocks out the constants allowing us to sense only what has changed. Think of all the times you were in a building for a long period of time, the air tasted and smelled different at first, but after a few moments you “got used to it.” The information was pushed into the back of the mind. Yet, when you walked outside the building, the air immediately smelled and tasted “fresher.”
       The physical effects of music are very real and very constant in experiments. Scientists have shown through the previously stated Mozart effect that sound doesn’t effect intelligence, but as a byproduct of the experiment they discovered how it could effect mood. They found that anxiety is greatly relived by the Mozart Effect. They found that this “effect” reduced blood pressure and helped moderate heartbeat. Through further experiments scientists proved classical music could improve sleeping habits of insomniacs. They then took this idea further. They discovered that most music, that was enjoyed by the listener, could have a relaxing and calming effect. The found these results even when people were listening to rap or heavy metal music. Though they had to throw-out first time results due to provocative lyrics in certain rap songs. Songs with lyrics that were specifically written to get a reaction from a young African American listener were removed from the follow up experiments, even though the effect of heightening anger was very minimal in the first case. The effect of sound waves from music on cells specifically could beside to be proven harmful through another series of experiments. Plants who listened to hard rock over a sustained period of time died, where as plants who listened to classical music, did not. It is unknown if this is on a cellular level or not, scientist Chris Painter hypothesizes that sound waves could infact have an effect on cells.
        While music can effect the mind and body, the power of suggestion and cognitive processes play a large role in how it can touch the mind. The body, though is relived of stress through music. All effects of music are positive, it is a creative healing power similar to laughter, that can ease stress and fight mental disorders. Facts stated proves that music has a calming effect and show that it is ludicrous to believe that music could ever cause such a act of brutal violence. Attacks on music are merely people trying to use scapegoats, so they do not feel like such failures. They’re self esteem is so precious to them that they feel they music attack an innocent source. Not only are these attacks unwarranted but they are completely misguided. Music, in the medical world, is used to heal. If people feel the need to throw out the argument of taste to deal with there own insecurities I do not have a problem with it. Because I know, secretly these same people go home and listen to there own music to relax. Blinded by there own failures they fail to realize how music helps them deal with stress, and fail to realize that taking it away from others can and have an adverse effect to what they originally desired. I believe that music could be helpful due to the information that I presented to you. My advice, when you get home, turn your stereo up on your favorite CD, sit back and take a nap. Sweet Dreams.
18  BPSITE / Temple of Caliginosity / lol on: November 18, 2004, 07:07:09 AM
Um. If you go there will be one less person that will not read and not reply to my poetry?
19  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: November 10, 2004, 05:14:20 AM
An Unoriginal Tribute to Originality
“Is there anybody out there?” my voice cracks, with a little uncertainty,

Even STANDING tall, atop the wall, I LAY “comfortably numb.”
“Good-bye blue sky, ” my ‘sight, my views of the world, were skewed.

What? You ask why? You know I’m blind, yet I still hear, I now imagine-  
The animals. I fear the “pigs,” of my past terribly squealing up the wall,
Sight clearing, reality failing, dizzily, I am “waiting for the worms to come.”

My visions, my views are failing, I dream of the dark side of the moon,
I am REMINDED by you by NEW irrational thoughts without “time,”
I would be strange, I want something unique, I will use line to rhyme.
True, I have no “money,” no eyes, but I am rich with memories from-

Atop the wall, the GRAVITY of the situation PRESSES down upon me.
I wish you were here, with me, now, to “welcome [me] to the machine,”
Don’t bother asking me where I’ve been. You know where I’ve been.
Still, I wish you were here to save me from “my [self-inflicted] trial,”
Forgive my blindness and take me to a better place than atop the wall.

ENTHUSIASTICALLY the division bell rings, a LESS-FAVORABLE tone.
Asking... What can I do? What if I scream! I do not know what I am to dream.
“What do you want from me?” I ask MYSELF hesitantly, fearfully, insanely.
Silence in return, YOU no longer torture me? I am of course “lost for words,”
I thought my life would be better, wait! It was better, I had “high hopes,”
Eyes slowly pried open, I saw my hopes dropped from atop the wall,

I mean any hope is just “another brick in the wall,” Nut Still! I wish I was blind.
A wall that cuts against you through life itself, a self-made wall, the focus of lies.
I see this final cut, through “paranoid eyes.” With dim eyes, no longer worthless.
“The gunners dream,” the maddening scream, no longer is anything what it seems.
It is true, you are you. But I am me, and this is my tribute originality, but not mine.
I will end it by tearing down all of the walls, completely making my site now clear.
I smile a little, while spiting my last whisper as a blind man “Goodbye cruel world…”
20  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / ten seconds of pure magic. on: November 07, 2004, 06:18:50 AM
which ending is the roxors?
21  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / ten seconds of pure magic. on: November 01, 2004, 12:21:56 AM
this day and everyday,
i take a walk if the weathers not gray.
we meet, walking on this street,
i love the way that you smile to greet.
today, dunno what to say,
but your face still hits me like dawns first ray.

love and hate: obliterate,
all rational thought that i’ve had of late.
we will be filled with pure glee,
your smile is all it takes for me.
never on trial, not with your smile,
i resent ‘other’s looks’ after while.

you care and you’re always there,
to comfort me when I am in despair.
feeling blue? you always knew,
you always knew just what to do.
looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why-

that i too, feel love for you,
but wave in these ten seconds is all i do.

(looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why.
i’m the one to blame, for shame,
i look up, instead of asking your name)

(looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why-
smart as night, i’m none to bright,
i’ve never once gotten the moment right)

(looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why-
i can’t give more than a glance
i never capitalized on this chance.)

(looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why-
so shy, i don’t even try,
when we always walk by, to catch your eye.)

(looking high into the sky,
i know you love me, but I can’t tell why-
you’re a threat, and with regret,
i fear a smile is all i’ll ever get.)
22  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / SOX WIN, 10-3, CAVE MAN SCORES A GRAND SLAM. on: October 26, 2004, 03:25:26 AM

Sox up 2?
23  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: October 22, 2004, 06:11:14 AM
Two seperate styles, one rigid one loose. Just to appeal to the various intellectual palet of the forum.

Clouded Visions
A tarnished mirror, slightly shrouded,
A surface clearly clouded.
Still shows an image through all the stains,
Is this Prophecy or Memory?
Waves of darkness crashing miserably,
Which block all sounds from the world.
Brown-green muck encased in ivory-
From which cold fire is hurled.
A pale mask of steel, steady and calm,
Does much to reveal... nothing.
Then from below, an intake of air,
Alludes that something’s coming.
A sharper glance, NO! A shaper glare,
The devil’s chance, time to sing.
A song of hate and with darkness... bring.
Your own thoughts to what you see.
Finally, I ask you,
Can you stand to look at me?
The Victim Unknown, Old Dark and Gray.
Into the forest, night takes the day
I find and look at this castle of grey
Fright of the might, of this mighty fortress.
Standing brilliantly against all forms of darkness.
None nearly as strong, as old dark and gray.

Red lines like veins move up his side,
A closer look I dare tried, I hear a sad squish
Crushing ants below my feet, was not my wish.
Those same army ants, red and bright,
Move up old dark and gray in all of its might.

The army ants scuttle around me, up the monster.
Ignoring everything and me on this dark night.
I apologize to the gray, revenge I would not refute.
To the army moving silently, their time to pay tribute.
Moving silently, swiftly, past me, into infinity.

Up into the sky, the army does march tirelessly,
Then I look up, soon overcome with dread.
I look directly at the eyes of the king.
His eyes boring down into my head,
What heinous luck will this omen bring?

Looking around with no sense of how
I am standing atop the battlements now,
I wish to once again return to the ground.
The king grants my wish, a crows cawing sound.
Viciously blown from old dark and gray.

Writhing on the ground, shaking with death.
Convulsing in pain, gasping for breath.
The army of red, you remember the veins?
Has no reason to restrain, not on this day.
The Victim Unknown, Old Dark and Gray.
24  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / SOX WIN, 10-3, CAVE MAN SCORES A GRAND SLAM. on: October 22, 2004, 06:03:58 AM
I am aware of waht the curse IS.alright?  But the curse was jkust lifte right there in that game by damons slam.
25  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / SOX WIN, 10-3, CAVE MAN SCORES A GRAND SLAM. on: October 22, 2004, 12:18:27 AM
Cave Man = Damon the Demon.

The curse is so lifted already.... my dad has been waiting for this since he was EIGHT it was SO FUCKING AWESOME. We muted the TV and CRANKED THE TALLICA! m/
26  BPSITE / Games and Gaming / SOX WIN, 10-3, CAVE MAN SCORES A GRAND SLAM. on: October 21, 2004, 05:27:05 AM
Nuff said, bitches.
27  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: October 20, 2004, 01:05:16 PM
Mole, its a sneaky indent command.

SS, wasnt really a rhytm in it.

LL, its about death and stuff, go figure.

FF, thanks

Of The Night Before I was betrayed
I committed suicide, last night.
When I saw you kissing him, I cried.
So I got some wire and tied it to the light.
Tied it to me, flipped switch, and died... I did.

While I laid there on the floor,
Convulsing from electricity,
I only wanted it to more,
Pass through my body.

On the news, mere echos, fatality.
Because I felt that no one loved me,
But they did, And now none well ever see,
My colored personality, ever again, they won't.

But then I felt my soul and I,
Rip form my body and then a-rise.
Floating up and feelings opened my eyes, they did.
Shivering and looking down upon, gods prize,

I realized I had made a mistake,
Then my reality began to shake.
Then a frightful trip ever did I take.
To my girlfriends house the day after the wake.

Her tears made it clear that she loved me,
And not that other guy, oh why,
Why oh why did I go and have to die.
Why oh why had I committed Suicide?

At this one moment I wished for life,
And no answer really came,
'Til I floated down to hell.
And my feelings of you remained the same.

Of the night before I was betrayed.
28  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: October 20, 2004, 06:20:09 AM
Hey why didn't my sneaky indent command work? ill try in this post

nbsp; nbsp; The Perfect Ending
I hate you and everything you stand for,
No Wait, bitch, you wouldn’t understand whore.
You took my soul, and you took my heart
Then you fed them to the wolves
Now it’s tearing me apart
Gravedigger has his shovels.

He knows when the times is coming near,
He knows when a body will come here.
He sees my soul and he digs his(my) hole,
He is doing his job, and you yours,
Please someone, make my body whole,
Dying, next on my list of chores.

When I woke up yesterday, put on my shoes,
I never knew that you, bitch, were gonna make me choose.
Between dying of a broken heart, cold,
Or just getting over it with suicide,
The second is more appealing truth be told.
And if I didn’t hate you so much, I wouldn’t have tried.

It isn’t that I loved you, not even an issue,
What pisses me off is my friends already knew,
Why was I the only one lagging behind?
Did I think for an instant we were split-city?
No it hadn’t crossed my mind.
As you read this note, do you think they’ll find my body?
29  BPSITE / Arts & Literature / AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH on: October 19, 2004, 06:50:03 AM
Odin’s Eye
I awake in cold sweat
I am willing to bet,
That Odin’s eye is open,
Causing my sleep to be broken.

Every month, on one night,
I contest Odin’s might,
At my window I will wait,
Never caring how late-

it is because I fear-
if our eyes aren’t near-
he will pierce through my heart.
And rip my life apart,

Beware of his ancient and dark control,
His blind stare has stolen at least one soul.
30  BPSITE / BPSITE Headquarters / Me? on: October 19, 2004, 01:17:05 AM
:miffed: I got away with it... :unsure:

I Z THE MAN  :cool:

...I noticed noone posted in my poetry thread... Shocked  :paranoid:  :hmmm:  
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