BPsite Forums

BPSITE => BPSITE Headquarters => Topic started by: SS on July 12, 2008, 04:40:34 PM

Title: New Server, New Software
Post by: SS on July 12, 2008, 04:40:34 PM
Ok, so despite having a dedicated server I hadn't bothered to switch bpsite forums from my old shared hosting.

Well I did that this week, and it turns out that Invision is too crap to handle PHP5.

So, after poking around trying to get it working, I figured it was simpler just to upgrade to a newer version.

Except Invision is no longer free, so I simply grabbed SMF and a converter, and after a bit of jiggerypokery with the database and conversion script, I got it working.

Welcome to BPSITE SMF Forums. :)

Title: Re: New Server, New Software
Post by: mole on July 24, 2008, 03:52:47 PM
yarr! but all these controls are very wierd

Title: Re: New Server, New Software
Post by: SS on July 24, 2008, 08:29:17 PM
They are. All odd and no sensible thought it seems. The admin area is even worse (as evidenced by how long it took me to fix)

Hornet said SMF was all wonderful and great, but I'm not really convinced. :/

Title: Re: New Server, New Software
Post by: mole on July 24, 2008, 09:55:01 PM
theres so many lines i cant tell what posts what

Title: Re: New Server, New Software
Post by: Hornet on September 06, 2008, 04:00:30 AM
Much faster than phpBB though.  It's not quite as good as I recall, to be fair, but I still like it - gets the job done without fuss :)  May want to look into alternate themes though.

Title: Re: New Server, New Software
Post by: matt_the_shark on September 28, 2008, 10:15:44 AM
don't forget the old post count titles  :P