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BPSITE => Games and Gaming => Topic started by: evilknight on November 19, 2004, 10:53:42 PM

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on November 19, 2004, 10:53:42 PM
So, now that the open beta for World of Warcraft is finally over, does anybody have anything to say about the game?
Overall, i thought the game was very well thought out.  One of the few problems i had was the way they did the quest system.   i love the idea of quests, they're great, and keep the game interesting. but for those single person quests, it sucks to get to the area to do it, only to find 20 other people spawn camping the person you need to kill.  things like that, combined with constant nagging from new people or people too stupid to use the interface really takes away from the atmosphere that the game otherwise does a very good job of setting you in.
it really reminds me of playing the Founding of Durotar campaign in the Frozen Throne, only with 1000 times more depth.
also, the raid system is really awsome. i like the concept of players being able to band together and invade enemy territorys, or even to take on incredibly powerful monsters.
still, a great game. ill probably get it when it comes out.
is anybody else going to get it?

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on November 20, 2004, 06:06:08 AM
My brother is getting it the day it comes out (or so he thinks), and I might borrow his account on occasion.   :D  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on November 22, 2004, 09:58:09 PM
it's coming out tomorrow it's coming out tomorrow it's coming out tomorrow!
and fuck, i dont get payed until wednesday.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on November 23, 2004, 12:54:18 AM
At least you don't need to chauffer younger siblings to the mall to buy the game.  :P  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on November 23, 2004, 01:32:55 AM
true dat.
although since i dont get payed until wednesday, ill probably buy it in tennessee while im at my g-parent's house.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on November 24, 2004, 04:35:33 AM
Hmm.... my brother is screwed.  Apparently, our mom didn't know you need to pay a monthly subscription fee, and now the game is indefinatly banned from the house.  Any suggestions?  :miffed:  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on November 24, 2004, 02:02:43 PM
find a job.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on November 24, 2004, 06:46:07 PM
i have it.
right nooooooooow. in my hands. but im at school.
i really wanted the collector's edition, but there were none to get.
oh well, ill probably end up selling this copy to a friend a few months from now, and then keeping that account, and buying the collectors edition, keeping the collector's stuff, and giving him the cd key and such.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Everous on November 24, 2004, 08:11:56 PM
its not that expensive...you can pay for it outta your allowance no probs anyway

**The following will contain extensive use of profanities and just overall crude language. Sorry, its the only way I can express my feelings towards this game. Don't look if you don't wanna...its mainly ranting.**

I'll start by bashing the game's designers. These people are the guys who made warcraft...at best... Why? because the guys who made diablo, starcraft and warcraft left to make arenanet. Hrm...that means what...the guys from blizzard who really know how to make a good RPG has buggered off. But why they went is more important, the reason there being that apparently they had different views on the course of the company. Ok, that bit's over...its all politics anyway, whats really in the game counts right?

Lets look at the technical aspects. This is a MMORPG that runs on what can only be described as a heavily modified warcraft III engine. If you were wondering why this game packed so little in the way of graphics...theres your answer. It also shows itself in some other aspects such as music and networking. In addition to being totally graphically underwhelming...it runs like poo, I find it hard to believe a machine that can run Doom III on high settings (full textures/lighting) is unable to run this thing on full. The artwork is good and immersive yes, but damn I find it hard to be immersed when people runa round looking like mickey mouse in a suit of shitty textures.

Customer service. The lag at the event was terrible, I suspect this was mainly/all server side lag. Its understandable for a MMORPG, Guild Wars had it too. Difference being, Guild Wars had it fixed in an hour, the "fixing" of WoW consisted of making people queue up for a place in the server. Also...making someone download a client thats roughly speaking 2.5 gigs large (can't remember exact) with what can only be described as a backshafted version of bittorrent is like stealing people's babies. In addition to this...the blizzard guys in charge consistently lie to the community about whats going on in terms of the shards, the networking scandal...if you can get them to talk at all. Course...this dosen't matter if the game is amazing, look at total annihilation...the developers were complete pricks (sued, banned mods) yet people still loved the game.

Now the meat of the matter...the game. WoW is a traditional MMORPG...which ain't bad if you like that sort of stuff, but its certainly not bringing in any new customers. The gameplay consists of lots of fetching...lots of killing the same stuff/stronger stuff/even stronger stuff in exactly the same ways...lots of delivering...and generally being spoken to like everyone else in the game all the while wondering when that ogre leader will respawn because you've been waiting in line for 20 minutes trying to get a kill. Goddamn that bores me...that makes me wanna drill holes in my nostrils and snort sand. These Blizzard boys are still in the school of thought: "monthly fees x amount of customer's time wasted = $$$ for me".  I don't find having my time wasted to be enjoyable...i got over that after Kings of Chaos.

Yeah thats about it....feel a lot better now...

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on November 25, 2004, 02:40:57 AM
So.... you don't like it?  :)

$180 a year is rather expensive for a game you supposedly already bought.  ;)

I'll let you know what I/my brother think of the game soon... when everyone in the house calms down and we can finally register an account.  LOL  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight:vacation on November 28, 2004, 03:51:55 AM
heh, i guess it's a good thing that i dont have a credit card and am going to have to wait until later next week to buy a time card from best buy or somewhere (there's a shortage right now)
it's weird, because it's like they did the beta testing, combining over a year of closed and open beta testing, looked at the results, then said "to hell with it, they'll buy it anyways" and then decided to shit all over their own game engine.
dunnoh, maybe all mmorpg's have rocky starts, havnt really played any others.
but im willing to give them a month to figure this all out, before i go locco on them.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on November 28, 2004, 05:30:17 AM
I played it for 7 hours last night/this morning, and... I love the game.  It's just fun for some strange reason.   :D  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Guest:Everous on December 22, 2004, 09:46:03 PM
the grind is always fun to start with...like Diablo 2 was...until i realised that i wasn't really doing much to speak of

its good at what it does...i just can't happen to stand what it does
Guild wars for me all the way...speaking of which, i'm not getting very much feedback on that, is anyone actually playing it?...you should try it out in the january WPE since its gonna be the last one. Though i expect they'll have open beta testing as well or something.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on December 23, 2004, 04:44:39 AM
What is Guild Wars?

And if anyone is playing WoW, I welcome their suggestions/input for me.  :D  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Guest:Everous on December 23, 2004, 11:06:45 PM
Guild Wars cannot be described...

you will have to see for yourself...

failing that you could read the gamespy previews...Basically its a team based tactical MMORPG in a fantasy setting. It had no monthly fees and it relies heavily on attack/spell combos and fast tactics between teams or guilds. The gameplay is based heavily on skill, since the maximum level is only 20, this means that the difference between a good guild and a crappy one is decided by teamwork and preparation.

oh yeah...i said no monthly fees :P
theres not much in the way of massive wars. The game revolves around PvP action as the term "Guild Wars" might suggest. Missions and quests are instanced and there is no seperation between countries. On your way to the top of the Guild Wars ladder you will encounter Germans, Dutch...and dreaded Koreans :P

its one sweet piece of ass  :ph34r:  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on December 24, 2004, 06:45:25 AM
Hmm... interesting... except I hate working with other people in games.  :P  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on December 24, 2004, 06:45:40 AM
What's so bad about Koreans?  :miffed:

Sorry, but my cpu double posted, so I thought I should make it something worthwhile


Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on January 03, 2005, 03:53:10 AM
they win at all video games.
for those who end up being interested as to what i play.
level 26* Dwarf Hunter
Eonar Server
(that was my first character, but i dont play him much anymore, cuz eonar is a PvE server)
level 19* Undead Rogue
Dragonmaw Server
this is the one im working on right now. fun stuff, i like pvp.

*level's subject to change.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Guest:Everous on January 04, 2005, 01:49:32 PM
Hrm...i heard something about WoW adding a true PvP team based multiplayer component. It sounds strangely like Guild Wars in design...now i'm interested

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on January 04, 2005, 11:48:11 PM
Yuk.  I only like the PvE style.  :mellow:

By the way, to copy evil, my character's name is Durkon (currently a lvl 26 pally) on the Gilneas realm.  :)

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Guest on January 07, 2005, 05:59:22 PM
*complains about this being in the wrong forum*

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v437/Pish/emotes/cool-orc.gif)  Wicked game.  

level 14
orc warrior :wub:
Dethecus server


Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: evilknight on January 07, 2005, 11:00:27 PM
there is no wrong forum anymore, at this point there might as well just be general.
and yeah, w00t! they're working on pvp battlegrounds finally.
that should be very interesting.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Rug on January 07, 2005, 11:11:11 PM
*complains about this being in the wrong forum*

Ask and ye shall receive.

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Lord Lanair on January 08, 2005, 03:34:37 AM
Oooh... magic!  LOL

Someone tell me what the new Battlegrounds thing is like... and if I should get my character high enough to play in it.  :)  

Title: World of Warcraft
Post by: Guest on January 08, 2005, 05:50:13 PM
oo yeah I can't wait for them to finnish that.

thanks ruggo